Done this month (20141102 Su - 08 Sa)

Nov 09, 2014 08:23

Between network problems (which I caused), the disastrous US elections, being off my antidepressants (which may have been helping a little after all; it may just be too subtle an effect for this alexithymic old bear to have noticed), pain issues, and just generally feeling harried, it was kind of a bad week.

I threw my set plans out the window, and put together what turned out to be a pretty good little set at the last minute: "Bigger On the Inside", "Someplace In the Net", "World Inside the Crystal", "Millennium's Dawn", "Keep the Dream Alive". Recordings (thanks to Rick Weiss) later this week.

I pretty much nailed the lyrics. A lot of missed notes, but the nice thing about the guitar is that as long as you have the right chord fingered it's going to sound ok no matter how sloppy the playing is. Got comments from a couple of people after the set, so that was nice.

The hotel was a distinct disappointment -- they'd overbooked the handicap rooms (the king room we're in is ok, but it would have been nice to have more manoevering room in the bathroom), and the restaurant didn't have a regular dinner menu. (The bar did have something more like a dinner menu, but it was expensive.) The breakfast buffet was no more than adequate. I see it's in a different hotel next year.

I have so far failed to connect with any of the people I'd been hoping to connect with; this is not unusual but does little to improve my mood, which I think is still somewhat volatile.

1102 Su Fall Back to standard time (US) * up 7:50; W=213.0; shower * 15min: tracked down the remaining UPS for battery replacement. * run down to Batteries + for UPS batteries. With Colleen -- total damage $180 for batteries, $40 for lunch at Duke's, $4 in the Container Store. * Made chicken tikka masala for dinner. Two pots, for white meat and dark meat; there was *just barely* enough with about 3.5lbs total. Have to make more next time. 1103 Mo * up 6:30; ; ~ 9:30 call from Tom on budgeting 1104 Tu * up 6:15; W=213.0 : Network problems: Whitewood having trouble talking to the laser printer, and my work laptop unable to connect to the one AP it's used to, which is now far enough away to make it unreliable. ~ 10:15 Colleen - Radiology at Swedish. Again. -> it was at a different hospital this time! :P Managed to get us in, but had to wait. And Swedish doesn't have free wifi. Grump. Nor does it appear to have wall sockets in the radiology waiting area. Grumble. ! The religious decor at Swedish is extremely discomforting. Not entirely sure why; I don't have that problem visiting a church. Maybe it's because it feels inappropriate. * noonish to Harborview so Colleen can get some labwork done. Blerg. Wasted 15min or so trying to find a parking place before being pointed at valet. -> their phlebotomist was incompetent, and had to call for backup. % Colleen says that my saying "sorry" drives her crazy; *not* saying it, or saying _something_, drives _me_ crazy. Not sure what to do about that. * Walked our ballots to the drop-box. % It helped. I seem to be low on cope. May be a consequence of stopping SSRI * Attempted to reconfigure the routers, now that they've been moved; ended up wrecking the network and having to reset the main router. Which still leaves the secondary in an "access point" state that apparently can't be connected to. This makes me grumpy. May be necessary to haul off and install OpenWRT or DD-WRT. % Today would have been a disaster even without losing Congress. ! depressed 1105 Guy Fawkes Day; 25th anniv of alt.callahans * up 6:30; W=213 * 8pm - Colleen's new lift chair arriving. -> Nice. Essentially identical to the one upstairs, which she's always liked better than the big one (which, in other words, turned out to have been a mistake). The old chair is currently in the Great Room at the foot of the blue chaise. 1106 Th * up 5:45; W=213 @ Sounds Like Weird LJ - Geek Humor a QA engineer walks into a bar. 1107 Fr * up 6:33; W=213 @ 25th anniversary of alt.callahans - first posts to the Place - Google Groups My first post appears to have been: A Toast for Strypes - Google Groups * print cards and songbooks * 8ish - builder consult. -> Change of plans: master suite downstairs, and turn N's room into the 3rd kid's room. (Saves a bundle, too.) * Disconnected Comcast. Went very smoothly, possibly because we started off with "This conversation may be recorded." * after lunch: leave for Ory. -> easy drive down : Hotel didn't have an accessible room, no handicap parking, and the restaurant doesn't have a dinner menu. Foo. OTOH the hotel WiFi network is completely open; not even a splash screen. So that's a win. OTGH, it doesn't work worth a damn. AT&T works. And drinks are $10. There's a mall next door and a liquor store two blocks away. & back on Chrome. Because reasons Good grief, Mozilla! What were you *thinking?* annathepiper | Bye Firefox, it was nice knowing you... And I was just in the process of switching back from Chrome. Foo. ~ Brought the Zoom H2, but realized belatedly that I should have brought the videocam. 1107-9 Fr-Su Orycon * Orycon. * 0910 book hotel 1108 Sa % slept well despite being on the other side of the bed to give Colleen access to the bathroom, which actually had a door next to the bed. Nice layout. * up 7:20; ; * 10:30 concert: "Bigger On the Inside", "Someplace In the Net", "World Inside the Crystal", "Millennium's Dawn", "Keep the Dream Alive". I was pretty much dead on with the lyrics; lots of minor chord flubs but who cares. Didn't quite break my record for a set thrown together at the last minute, but close. Add "Bigger" _during_ the songwriting panel that preceeded the set. * 12:00 Joe Bethancourt memorial. Didn't actually sing or even contribute much. Was a good circle anyway; mostly stories. * recording. Talked with someone who wanted to record using linux; she'll send me email. @ The horrific trickle down of Asshole culture: Why I’ve just deleted Uber from my phone | PandoDaily +Kee Hinckley @ Some Imporatant URLs you should know as a Google User - I am Programmer * Got copy of the concert from Rick Weiss. : Got complements on "Paper Pings" (of all things!) and asked for lyrics for "Millennium's Dawn". * Open filking: "Vampire Megabyte" * went up to bed about 11 or 11:30
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2014, done, politics, orycon

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