Done this week (20140310 Mo - 15 Sa)

Mar 16, 2014 20:28

Oh. Right. I started working on this an hour or so ago and got distracted when my Mom called. So.

Last Monday was our return from Consonance -- I'd booked the latest flight, which allowed us to do some visiting and talk with the realtor. It seems many people are sad about losing the Starport -- it has, after all, been a fannish landmark for over three decades. *sigh* Keeping two houses just isn't feasible. I just hope the proceeds are enough to cover the new construction.

Naomi's friend Rika flew up with her and spent the week; we had quite a lot of music at the house, and visitors most nights. No complaints from me! The week ended with Colleen's birthday party yesterday. We still haven't built up a good list for these things; we'll have to work on that. Also a household calendar and mailing list -- probably means I have an excuse to learn Wordpress, or something like it.

Yesterday, along with the party, I installed a pair of powerline ethernet dongles. Took me forever to do it, partly because the house has two breaker boxes (meaning there are outlets that can't talk to one another), and partly because I misunderstood how the "sync" button works. It really means "rotate keys", not "synchronize" :P. The extension router is now installed in the coffee niche.

The gadgets are advertised as "500MHz", but only have 100MHz ethernet; 500 must be the aggregate across all nodes in the network. We definitely need to install some cable. *sigh*

0310 Mo * up 6:40ish; ; d, n : BunBun called. Won't get to see us, unfortunately. Misses us, and very sad about the Starport. Asked if she could have the pot rack; I said yes. * laundry. 5th floor. I have $5 worth of quarters; should be enough. Colleen decided to sleep in while I ran laundry and grabbed breakfast. : The hotel's wifi has deteriorated considerably since yesterday morning. Mostly DNS, so it's also possible that it's partly due to Ubuntu 12.04 * update CC and contact info at GoDaddy - was ancient. * meet realtor ~3:15 at the Starport -> needs ~$1500 worth of yard work, some inside work, and an inspection. Figure a month's rent, which would be the security deposit, so that works out. T could be out May-June. * get to airport 6:45-7ish - on the early side if we want to eat pre-flight 0311 Tu * up 6:35; W=210.2; d, n @ Ten things I’ve learned from Two Marriages and a Decade of being Polyamorous | Laurell K Hamilton (ysabetwordsmith, with some commentary) 0312 We * up 6:30; ; d, n & load drugs, because I didn't do it last night :P @ Git and Make: not just for code | SCALE 12x ( hooks : .git/hooks/pre-commit # Pure genius! .git/hooks/% : Makefile echo "#!/bin/sh" > $@ echo "make `basename $@`" >> $@ chmod 755 $@ pre-commit : spell @ Put in $35 for The Laundry Dragons! by M.C.A. Hogarth - Kickstarter 0313 Th my birthday * up 6:35; W=208.8; d, n * Called Aetna about my astronomical bill from Urology West, and discovered that they've denied about 40 claims because they thought Medicare is primary. Never mind that Medicare is *never* primary if there's a work policy in force. Good grief! * Thankful Thursday 0314 Fr Pi day * up 6:35; W=208.8; d, n @ Why Are Millennials More Liberal And Less Trusting? | Ferrett Steinmetz * leave at 8ish for A. all-hands : looks like guests are going to be dribbling in all weekend. We have Rich and Stephanie this evening. @ Daring Fireball: Microsoft, Past and Future 0315 Sa * up 8:15ish; W=210.2; d, n; shower @ Bill Maher attacks Noah's Ark story * Party. The Dixons, and Chaos and Alex. So kind of small, but good. Singing. * Install powerline ethernet. -> It works fine in the kitchen, but not in the Rainbow Room. :( It would also work in the under-the-stairs niche. -> no, not at the West end of the kitchen either. Coffee niche. WORKS! Only 100baseT, though; the 500Mb/sec must be total for all nodes. Took me all afternoon because I misunderstood how the sync button works. It's really the "set new key" button :P @ On Depression, and the Toll Academia Exacts | Vitae f(Mary Anne Mohanraj) & floor lamps work better if you plug them in % 11ish - very sleepy
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birthdays, consonance, friends, computers, 2014, music, filk, done

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