The main event this week was the arrival of the storage towers and lamp
I ordered from Best Buy. There were also health worries, and my stuff is
being moved into a new cubical over the weekend. I think about half the
people in the Seattle office are getting shuffled around.
I get two nice things out of the move. First was having to leave at 2pm
on Friday, which meant I could walk to REI -- about half an hour's walk,
on a beautiful clear day -- and buy a
hat. It's called a "Seattle Sombrero"; I'm hoping it will be
The second is a lockable cabinet where I can stash my (non-lockable)
laptop. That means I won't have to lug the darned thing to and from work
five times a week. I don't need the extra weight.
My back was hurting quite a lot by the time I got home on Friday. And
I've been having some sharp pains when I lift things that make me worry
about developing a hernia -- this is something I *do* *not* *need* right
Also I'm still gaining weight, and I get very stiff in the evenings.
I got my lab results back; the doctor noted that she was worried about my
triglycerides, which are 186 (normal 150 or less). When I see her next,
in a couple of weeks, I will tell her that it's the second-lowest number
in a decade. Probably time to increase my niacin and linseed oil. (Ok,
the bottle is labeled "flax oil". Same thing. It's a dietary supplement
and a furniture finish.)
About those CD towers. When I ordered them and looked at the shipping
tracker it said "4 boxes, 76 pounds". Shipping was free. What I didn't
realize was that the weight given wasn't the total, it was the weight of
the heaviest package. Of which there were two, plus two smaller boxes of
36lbs. Gleep. The Younger Daughter was *not* pleased, even with access
to my hand truck.
I took it nice and slow, and put one together over the course of three
days. I had figured on it taking two people to flip the thing over and
drag it into position, but it glided easily over the carpet, and was
actually quite easy to lift. Yay trigonometry!
As for links, I have been eagerly following the poems from
YsabetWordsmith's January Poetry Fishbowl, and especially the ones in her
new series,
An Army of One, which is science fiction about a society of autistic
people. Very cool idea.
0106 Su
* up 7ish; W=202.2, BP=130/73, P=52; d, n, t, l; dishes, light
* 15min: Cleared some recycling off the porch, packed up the lights.
* Shopping: Walgreen's, JoAnne's, and Central Market.
Colleen got yarn at J's; I got a wrapping-paper bin.
* Over to N's with the last of the Christmas boxes; more box-shifting
Found the "Small Comps" box! It was on the bottom in the
second-to-front row, which was not at all where I was expecting to find it.
I was delighted to find that it contained a gigabit switch. I've been
looking for that box for _months_
The Insourcing Boom - Charles Fishman - The Atlantic (
Don Marti
America's Real Criminal Element: Lead
* roasted almonds for work. To go with the nuts bought today, and the slab
apricots from several weeks ago.
0107 Mo
* up 6:17; W=203, BP=118/76 P=55; d, n, l; dishes, light
~ 7am wake Colleen
* 7:30 leave for dentist
* 8am - Colleen dentist
& wasted much of the day at work dealing with the fallout from a
misunderstanding about changing my password.
* The CD towers came today. HUGE. When I saw the shipping info and read
"73lbs" I assumed that was the total. Silly me. There were *two* 73#
boxes, and two 36# ones. Gleep!
: (21:55:39) mdlbear: ... and judging by the state of my back, I'd better stop
with unboxing the pieces. When I saw "73 lbs" on the shipping tracker, I
naturally assumed that was the total.
(21:56:39) mdlbear: I will. There is a step in there that will definitely
require two people: the thing is assembled upside-down.
(21:58:19) mdlbear: Each of the two towers (cue ominous music from LOtR
here) came in two boxes: 73 lbs and 36 lbs respectively.
* 22:17 BP=110/74, P=61
0107 Tu
* up 6:15; W=202; BP=130/77, P=56; d, n, t, l; dishes
* YD up early, so bright and bubbly in the morning.
* 7ish (when YD gets home) go out to the Taster's Wok with Chaos
* The lamp we ordered from Best Buy (along with the CD towers) arrived.
% worried about possible hernia. Do Not Want.
* assembled lamp Went together smoothly; looks pretty good. Not in final
position yet because that's full of junk. Displacing which is kind of the
idea, but... hole, meet bucket.
* did a little work on the CD tower.
* 00:30 finally went to bed
0109 We
* up 6:37; W=203 BP=133/75, P=52; d, n, t, l; exercise, light
* A little more work on the CD tower. It's pretty imposing.
thnidu | Mission: Impossible Lindsey Sterling and the Piano Guys. NSFK
* walk: 5th, 2nd and Union.
% 20:09:30) mdlbear: Three parts.
(20:11:44) mdlbear: First, I discovered as I was getting on the bus that the
luggage tag where I keep my ORCA card had fallen off. Which meant getting
change and waiting around for the *next* bus, plus the additional hassle of
trying to get another card. I may be able to get a senior card in downtown
Seattle; otherwise I'll have to go to Lynnwood for it.
(20:14:09) mdlbear: Second, Colleen's prescription, which I was to pick up
at Walgreen's, was sent to the wrong one. Again. Because our Walgreen's is
on Lake City Way in Seattle. There *is* no Walgreen's on Bothell Way, but
there's one on Bothell-Everett Way in Everett. Luckily, our Walgreen's had
the drug in stock.
(20:15:12) mdlbear: Third, for about the last week I have been having
abdominal pains when lifting heavy items; I suspect a hernia, and don't like
the idea.
(20:24:03) mdlbear: I *do* *not* *need* more health problems right now.
Especially problems that may mean that I won't be able to lift the
components of Colleen's scooter. Which would mean getting a lift.
(20:24:31) mdlbear: Which would have to go on or in the van.
* Got my lab results. Dr. is worried because my triglycerides are at 183,
with a target range of under 150. Actually, that's the second-lowest it's
been in five years or more.
* tower base attached. It now has to be flipped. I am not stupid enough to
try that by myself.
0110 Th
* up 6:20; W=203; d, n, t, l; shower, exercise, light
* replace ORCA card: King Street Center 201 S. Jackson St. Seattle, WA
Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
* Walk: 1st and Jackson to 3rd and Madison
* walk: 4th, 3rd and Pike
* tower set up. Easy to move into position by flipping over and sliding. Not
nearly as hard as I expected; easily a one-person job.
$ set up $100/week transfers to Chaos
$ chaos has $665 tuition payment due 1/15 - add 250 this week and next
* 22:15 BP=130/72, P=67
* Tower shelves put in.
* pay bills
0111 Fr
* up 6:23; W=202, BP=124/85, P=56; d, n, t, l; dishes, light
* Had to leave work at 2pm so the movers could come in and shift all our cubes
around. I'm moving to the 10th floor, from 15
* Walked to REI, where I bought a
* 20:41 BP=148/72, P=59
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer; anonymous comments are allowed on DW only]