So, unless you were hiding under the same rock I was all week, you
probably noticed that
Jonathan Coulton re-recorded "Code Monkey" for Slashdot's 15th
Birthday. When I finally listened to it this morning, I realized that
it was prime
material. Never mind that it's Sunday -- the tag still matches. That's
my story and I'm sticking to it.
It's kind of appropriate, because I just started my new job this week, as
a code monkey. I mean, sure, I have a fancier title than that, but what
it comes down to is picking (mostly) well-defined little coding tasks off
a list and writing the code. OK, we all get some say in the tasks, too,
but it's all part of a huge edifice mostly designed by somebody else.
I've done this before. Recently, even -- what I did on the web services
side of $PREV two years ago was like that. I can do it, and do it well,
but it was demanding without being all that satisfying. I'm worried that
this gig will be similar.
It'll pay the bills, and it'll be challenging and even fun in places, but
I don't think I'm going to love it. (You will note that I am not
going off on a riff comparing the expected experience to various kinds of
casual relationship. This is a Good Thing. Trust me.)
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer; anonymous comments on DW only]