Yesterday I had a dentist appointment at 11am, to get my teeth
deep-cleaned. As I was pulling in to the parking lot I got a phone call
from $K (the contract agency) saying I'd gotten the contract at $D.
In spite of the fact that I think I'd probably prefer a full-time job at
$T, which is a smaller company with a really cool product that I actually
want to use, the timing for that just isn't likely to work out -- I
haven't even had a phone interview yet (I expect one this afternoon, but
still...) So my mood has been distinctly mixed -- it was something like
depression last night. (I'll get to that later.)
The teeth-cleaning went very well -- the hygienist was surprised that I
was able to handle it with just a topical anesthetic. Yeah, there were a
couple of twinges, but I often get worse from my arthritis just getting
out of bed in the morning, and much worse after sitting with my
legs crossed for half an hour.
Which brings us to the evening, when I was feeling depressed, and made a
joke about something I thought was unrelated that N. misinterpreted as
sounding suicidal. And then couldn't get back in touch with me.
Apparently several of my followup IM messages simply got dropped on the
floor between here and there. And she couldn't raise me by phone or text,
apparently because I was reading a book in the Kindle app! The
text, in fact, finally arrived a minute or so after I exited the
app. WTF?????!!! Anyone ever encounter that one?
OK, getting back to the down mood. I don't know how much of that is due
to uncertainty over $D vs. $T, how much is due to simple relief, and how
much is due to the fact that I've gotten used to being "retired". Have I
alexithymia lately? It means that, very often, I don't know
what I'm feeling. It's a problem.
A few links in the notes, though nothing exceedingly noteworthy.
1001 Mo
* up 7:40ish; W=194.4; d, n, t, h; shower, laundry, dishes
C 7:40ish. Say 4, midnight
Why Amazon and Salesforce are pulling away from the cloud pack (linkedin)
A Very Strange Way to Assess the Safety of Banks - Bloomberg (linkedin)
: The CVS-to-git conversion failed last night for the simple reason that the
repo is missing. And git cvsimport just hung waiting for the nonexistant
lock to clear rather than reporting an error the way cvs commit did when I
tried it. :P
: Call from $K -- I got the job at $D -- $75/hr. Texted N.
* 11am dentist - cleaning. Was offered injected anesthetic; topical worked fine.
-> prescription for toothpaste
-> sonicare or oral B sonic - pricey but effective. BB+B
Best Electric Toothbrushes | Top Picks and Reviews at ConsumerSearch
->Oral-B ProfessionalCare SmartSeries 4000
Sonicare FlexCare (runner up)
* Call Mom re: $D
Jesus Could Be Their Candidate and the Republicans Would Still Lose
" That's because the American people don't have a death wish. You see we may
all wallow in our own delusional fantasy lands but we want sane leaders.
Do patent and copyright law restrict competition and creativity
excessively? Posner - The Becker-Posner Blog @eff
! 7pm for some reason I'm not feeling happy -- I'm miserable. Don't know why.
7:46 and scared? Maybe. Not good at reading myself. Relief? Tired?
* Responded to Norwescon pro guest invitation. 6-8 hours of programming
: apparently the Kindle app interferes with phone and SMS?!! Evil!!
Also weird -- I can't find any reference to the phenomenon.
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer; anonymous comments on DW only]