Done recently (20120922 Sa - 24 Mo)

Sep 25, 2012 22:46

Saturday Colleen and I took a drive around Lake Washington (getting somewhat lost in a side trip to West Seattle), and when we got home I cooked probably the best salmon dish I've ever made -- pan-fried with butter, olive oil, and garlic, then added a little wine to steam it until done. Took a leftover portion over to Naomi's, and did a little music. And some thinking about my Orycon set, assuming I have one. Just finished the rest of the leftovers this morning. Yum!

Colleen said "This is what a Northwest dinner is supposed to taste like."

And I broke a tooth somehow - nice big chip off the side of a much-filled molar. Doesn't hurt, fortunately, but it'll probably need a cap I can't afford. Grump. My severance pay runs out at the end of the month (i.e., Friday), and with it their portion of my COBRA coverage. Grouch. Scared Bear. Set up a dental appointment for tomorrow.

Applied to three different positions at $A2 and one at $T; haven't heard yet. Finished coding homework for $D, and got an interview scheduled for Friday.

$D is going to present a difficult decision if I get it. It would be a great company to work for, but I wouldn't be working for them -- I'd be a long-term contractor, going through an agency, $K. $K's health care options look pretty poor, compared with what I've had and what most direct hires get. It might not cover either of Colleen's non-generic drugs. There may be workarounds, but if they don't work we'll be really screwed. TMI maybe later if comments ask for it. Sucks. Still, I'll probably have to take it. Both that and $A look like they're likely to be more pressure than I want, but...

If I hadn't been stupid over the last 20 years, I'd be able to retire comfortably now. As it is, I'm starting to think about how soon I can get away with it. Not now, though. Not yet.

I know, I know. Life sucks. Deal. Do I haveta?

0922 Sa * up 6:10; W=194.4; d, n, t, exercise, shower; laundry, dishes @ How to make your shopping cart suck less - The Oatmeal @ PhoneGap | FAQ " PhoneGap is an open source solution for building cross-platform mobile apps with standards-based Web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, CSS." upstream: Apache Cordova * book hotel for Orycon Confirmation Number: 81125041 Check-in: Fri 02 Nov 2012 Check-out: Sun 04 Nov 2012 Rooms: 1 Guests per Room: 4 Adults Room Type Preferences: Accessible; Non-Smoking; Two beds * drive: around Lake Washington (leaving 12:40ish) (17:00:17) mdlbear: We just got back, after going around the lake on 405 and 99, with excursions into Bellevue, Renton, West Seattle, Trader Joe's, Greenlake, and Central Market. * dinner: coho salmon, string beans, baked potatoes, salad. Figs with cambozola. Probably the best salmon I've ever made: pan-fried with butter, olive oil, and garlic, then steamed with a little white wine. Colleen said "This is what a Northwest dinner is supposed to taste like." % broke a tooth. :P It's an old and much-filled one, so it'll almost certainly need a crown. And I'm damned if I know what the status of my dental insurance is right now. @ Motorola Mobility (Google) Pokes Fun At Apple’s iOS 6 Maps With #iLost Hashtag & to N's with leftovers. Music: Bad Guys, Desolation Row, Get Up and Go, QV Still have leftovers. Not bad for a pound and a half of fish. Should probably drop back to a pound or a pound and a quarter 0923 Su * up 8:40; W=193.4; d, n, t, h; laundry, dishes * Groceries. ~$150 * applied to 2 more jobs at $A2 [ : Taleo sucks, and apparently their own login only works (for me) on chrome; fortunately gmail works on firefox 15.0.1. Should probably upgrade Cygnus. * walk: d=2.67, t=:56; loop through Sheridan Beach 165th is definitely the least-steep way up from the trail; there isn't a sidewalk but there's a sort of bike lane marked off. It's much closer to Town Center, though. * dinner: noodles, chicken paprikash, salad (with dandelion greens and nasturtium flowers) * take Chaos home. Get one of her two surplus crock pots. Fancy * applied at $T (via LinkedIn) * tried feeding the piggies some carrot tops. Sniffing at them but not clear that they like them. -> well, they finished them. So, win. * 15min ~30 email messages cleared on gmail % 10:55 drifting in and out; dozing. Time for -bath-, bed 0924 Mo * up 7:30; W=193.4; d, n; exercise, shower, laundry, dishes @ esr: Practical prophecy * Received $D homework. Find longest prefix. Use a trie. * make appointment at Accent Dental 19020 Bothell Way NE, Ste. C Bothell, WA 98011 Phone (425) 481-5302 -> Wed 2pm Their appointment page brings up a lightbox that can't be scrolled, so doesn't work on my netbook. Not that I would have been able to use it anyway, because I'm a new client. * walk: d=2.92, t=0:59, s=3.0; to bank, with stops at Freddy, Rabbit Meadows * pay bills * disconnect 6492 800-288-2020 conf# d35064632 Robert - required two calls. Can't be done on website, and there's no help on the subject. ~ discontinue 408-294-6492 133 1 - call AT+T at 1-800-288-2747 would have saved some trouble if I'd called the direct number. :P ~ update mailing address on earthquake policy - seems to have been done * order new checks (personal account) * add apt# to amex account * $D coding test complete.
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drive, walk, links, done, quest, mood

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