No walk. Hot. Not much else, either -- read SF short stories online, and
watched bits of the
ACM A.M. Turing Centenary Celebration webcast. It's archived, so I
don't feel bad about missing most of it. When I'm physically attending a
conference I can stay focussed; there appear to be too many distractions
at home.
Quotes of the day:
Vint Cerf: It's like raising teenagers. You don't know how to do it; you
just live through it and one day they turn into people.
Paul Saffo: In 100 years we still won't have a computer that can pass the
Turing test, but we will have proved that most members of Congress fail it.
Two boxes of books packed from the office, and three boxes of recycling
accumulated. The third is still in the office because the recycling bin
is, as usual, full.
Linus Torvalds Wins Joint Millennium Technology Prize.
0616 Sa
* up 7:50; W=196.4; d, n, t;
* watching more of the
ACM A.M. Turing Centenary Celebration webcast
% a little disturbing seeing all these old guys I went to grad school with.
" Vint Cerf: It's like raising teenagers. You don't know how to do it; you
just live through it and one day they turn into people.
" Paul Saffo: In 100 years we still won't have a computer that can pass the
Turing test, but we will have proved that most members of Congress fail it.
* make dinner: chili, guacamole, black bean and corn salsa, rice.
% need to be more diligent about hand-washing, though, after cutting peppers.
Linus Torvalds Wins Joint Millennium Technology Prize
% (21:26:22) ***mdlbear looks around the office. I have too much stuff. Still.
* boxed up the computer "personal history" -- old listings, Smalltalk, etc.
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer.]