Hmm. The day had its ups and downs, I guess. I feel particularly good
about my st/roll with Colleen around the Rose Garden, and I got some
practicing in, and major bug-fixing done the new makefile for recording
directories. And quite a lot of decluttering, and a verse and chorus of a
parody (still in progress).
On the other hand, I got very stressed in the early afternoon -- not sure
whether it was sensory overload, family friction, or what -- the walk
helped a lot.
On the gripping hand, I actually noticed at the time that mailing my filk
to Naomi and getting thwapped for it made me happy. I may be getting
better at that.
On the fourth hand, I wound up feeling very discouraged, especially when
Colleen pointed out that I hadn't gotten any of my usual oddball stocking
stuffers. She sent me out into the cold; Fry's was closed, but CVS was
open and had gift cards and some suitable small tools.
So the day ended pretty well, at least.
No links. Must have been busy.
1224 Sa
* up 6:45; W=194.6; drugs, nose, teeth, hair, dishes, exercise, light
* practice: one song before LJ.
& moved my frame to mid-screen to put it closer to line-of-sight and
moved the keyboard a few inches to the right to make _it_ more centered.
| some strain in my right shoulder; hopefully this will help. Of course,
it puts the trackball further away on the right, so maybe not.
& installed gtick (metronome) for the one with the tricky rhythm. Hard to
follow the beat; need to work on that. Good for me.
* 15min: decluttering in office and LR.
* wrote verse and chorus of a new filk. Needs work. Mailed it to N, who
thwapped me for it.
! made me smile. Happy. ... and I _noticed_! Getting better at that.
* more work on and record.make. Some oddities remain.
* last-minute shopping for ale and dill
* fixed record.make. Turned out to be an extra comma in some ifeq's, so was
comparing against "," instead of "". :P
* nice st/roll with the Cat (Rose Garden)
! Felt very stressed-out (overload? family? stupidity?) when we started;
much better when we got home.
% (16:49:26) ***mdlbear has discovered that I sometimes have trouble
distinguishing an anxiety attack from hunger pangs. Come to think of it,
that may explain comfort eating.
x didn't do any Christmas shopping this year. Dumb bear.
& Colleen sent me out at about 10:45. CVS was open; they have gift cards
and stocking stuffers. Some things I know we bought have gone missing.
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer.]