Felt like a pretty good day -- it was perfect weather for walking, and I
actually made use of it. There's a nice little trail along Stevens Creek,
which I walked a bit of. I got lucky; it apparently started raining
sometime in the afternoon.
And I made a phone call to make an appointment. That's two this week so
far. Of course, there are lots more phone calls I need to make.
I finally Read The Find Manual on
shorewall, and found the incantation I needed to make inbound port
forwarding work. So now I can ssh directly to the fileserver. Am now
looking into locking it down more. Not hard; the simplest way is just to
set up a server running as an unprivileged user on a different port.
Elevating the head of the bed still seems to be working on reflux: I woke
up with my throat dry and a little scratchy, but not filled with mucus the
way it often is.
Lots of links this time. I particularly recommend these
Soviet technical
magazine covers from the 1050s (courtesy of
solarbird), and
The Benjamin Franklin Effect (the power of cognitive dissonance) by
way of
naamah_darling. There's a longish quote in the notes that seems
particularly applicable to me.
1103 Th
* up 7:35; W=196; drugs, nose, teeth, dishes, exercise
| woke up with throat dry and a bit scratchy, but not lumpish.
* make appointment with Dr Reed -> Fri 12/16
* TGl practice.
Soviet technical magazine covers (
* finally RTFM and found the shorewall/rules incantation I needed to forward
odd ports to services inside the firewall.
* walk: just short of 3mi; McClellan and the Stevens Creek Trail to
Blackberry Farm; back via Byrne and McClellan.
The Competition Among Google, Amazon, Facebook And Apple @ricohinnovation
He has a right to speak,' said the cop to the banker @gridlore
The Benjamin Franklin Effect (
" The Benjamin Franklin Effect is the result of your concept of self
coming under attack. Every person develops a persona, and that persona
persists because inconsistencies in your personal narrative get
rewritten, redacted and misinterpreted. If you are like most people, you
have high self-esteem and tend to believe you are above average in just
about every way. It keeps you going, keeps your head above water, so
when the source of your own behavior is mysterious you will confabulate
a story which paints you in a positive light. If you are on the other
end of the self-esteem spectrum and tend to see yourself as undeserving
and unworthy, you will rewrite nebulous behavior as the result of
attitudes consistent with the persona of an incompetent person, deviant,
or whatever flavor of loser you believe yourself to be. Successes will
make you uncomfortable so you will dismiss them as flukes. If people are
nice to you, you will assume they have ulterior motives or are
mistaken. Whether you love or hate your persona, you protect the self
with which you’ve become comfortable. When you observe your own
behavior, or feel the gaze of an outsider, you manipulate the facts so
they match your expectations.
" (emphasis mine)
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (Silent Reflux): Causes, Treatment, Diet, and
* buy: coffee
* thankful Thursday
* BILLS -> nothing needed paying this week.
Economist Lauds Occupy Wall Street Movement (
Epic Photograph of a Chilean Volcano Erupting @glutenfreegirl
* made "happy turtle" userpic (comes up first in google images, but took me a
while to find the right pair of keywords)
* fired off my monthly import from LJ Queued.
* Some TGl practice, listening (for melody reference)
: Chrome is griping about an out-of-date flash plugin. May very well dump
it this time and go back to iceweasel.
* whipped the bookmarks imported from chrome into a semblance of usability
* bath 11:15ish
[Crossposted from
mdlbear.dreamwidth.org, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer.]