Done recently (20111020 Th - 1025 Tu)

Oct 26, 2011 08:24

Good grief! I shouldn't be surprised -- this happens every time I travel, since I pretty much only post from home. So... It was a good weekend. Lots of solid rehearsal time, and brunch with Chaos on Sunday. Didn't have time to meet up with either of my cousins, unfortunately, but that will probably work better on the next trip, given some time to plan ahead. If I do plan ahead, which I'm afraid is not a given.

It was a rough trip up; I had to get a cab to the airport, the plane was late, and I left my wireless mouse in the terminal somewhere. Put in a lost-and-found inquiry, but don't expect to see it again. Next time I take my wired travel mouse; I don't like it but I'm less likely to lose it.

This was also my first trip with the tennis bag for the travel guitar. It's more comfortable and somewhat lighter than the official gig bag, but doesn't really have enough room for my shoulder bag. A large songbook is pretty marginal. Still figuring out how best to use the space it does have. And it's still looking impossible for me to travel without a checked bag if I want to take a guitar on board. :(

The rehearsal, as I mentioned, went very well indeed. We decided that I should come up for another weekend -- it'll have to be a short one, Friday night to Sunday evening, because I'm running low on vacation time -- in early January. But we're in surprisingly good shape considering the amount of new material in the set. Reminder: you really want to hear our concert at Conflikt.

Another reminder: there's a household party coming up on Saturday!

I also got my netbook, barnard, more-or-less configured with Debian Squeeze; the biggest remaining problem is WiFi. The transition from dhcp3 to isc-dhcp has caused all kinds of havoc; I just realized last night that my router configuration is probably totally wrong at this point, too. No wonder WiFi's been flaky in the house!

Sadness: John McCarthy died on Monday. He was one of my favorite professors at Stanford, not so much because he was a good teacher -- he wasn't -- but because I loved watching the way his mind worked as he worked out programming problems on the board in his LISP class. chipuni posted the perfect epitaph: a single right parenthesis.

1020 Th * up 6:30; W=192.6!!; drugs, nose, teeth, pack, exercise, light @ Bad Romance - Adventurotica Romance fades, and when it does you are left with the person you chose. If you chose well, then you have a relationship that can become the deepest, most fulfilling friendship you will ever have, but 'love' is not really the measure of that. 'Romance', as it is portrayed, is a false idol that will not bring happiness. @ solarbird: oh this is not good at all @ by Lemony Snicket | (ysabetwordsmith | Lemony Snickett explains economics) * printing. cd record/2012/\t\t\t; make print-songbook * flex account: Claim Number(s) and Due Date(s): 126503644-01 - 10-22-2011 submit claim for Colleen's lift chair * book December and Conflikt flights by Th. for best price ($65) * rehearsal Dec 8th-12mo (on points) * Conflikt Jan 27-29 (Me: 0124Tu-0130Mo Colleen: 0127Fr-0130Mo) * worked on WiFi configs; installed wicd on Debian and Ubuntu; it doesn't want to connect at home. May be the "ping to verify connection" * order cab for 4:30 * get to airport by 5:30, so leave house ~ 5pm. * San Jose, CA - SJC to Seattle/Tacoma, WA - SEA Confirmation # WQFP6L DEPART OCT 20 6:55 PM San Jose, CA (SJC) to 9:10 PM Seattle/Tacoma, WA (SEA) Flight #3777 Naturally, the flight is an hour late. Fortunately Callie is still willing to pick me up. * I finally appear to have a working WiFi config in Debian -- SJC works in Debian after disabling the ping option. Wonder if that was the problem at home too, There is definitely a bug in network-manager, though. * 15min: link Config over to Debian; link in config files for emacs, bash * Very frustrating time trying to connect to Promusica's network 1021 Fr * up 7:30 or 8ish; drugs, nose, exercise * finally remembered the the WEP key is a key, not a passphrase. That, and for some reason wicd wants the "dhcp hostname" box checked. Weird. But I'm on the household network now, so not complaining. The problem, apparently, is that it needs to get a hostname, so if the local network doesn't have a usable nameserver, it punts without a name to fall back on. & and I seem to have left my fracking mouse in SJC somewhere. Sheesh! * went out for walk, but it was drizzline (and getting fairly late) so I went back in to hole-punch the set lyrics * software installs on Barnard: apt-get install texlive wodim curl gv apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all vorbis-toolslibsox-fmt-ffmpeg ffmpeg apt-get install audacity swh-plugins tap-plugins jack : make in a lyrics directory turns out to be blazingly fast on an SSD ! delighted, astonished : As it turns out, there's simply no way I can travel without a checked suitcase. Not, at least, if I want to take a guitar on board. @ Transcription pt 1: Bob Reich at OccupySF, Oct 20 * 15min: work on ~/.emacs; we're dropping /local, so things go in ~/Config gin mode now loads, so I'm a Happy Bear. * Also turned off M-C-D and M-space in the WM preferences * Good practice session, though a bit short due to C's work sched. * more fixes to .emacs : Gnome not only offers you a choice of apps for opening a file, but installs the one you pick if it's not already there! * make hotel reservations for Conflikt - 61826808 used Amex Gold | very sleepy ~10:15. Will probably splat ~11. & 11:06 - splat 1022 Sa * up 8am; drugs, nose, exercise * song and song-tg.sty edits * got port forwarding working on the gateway so I can ssh directly to the fileserver. Which fixes my offsite (pull) backup script. : Colleen called -- she went to Buck's with Liz *with her cane* ! thrilled. Mudita. Huge step. * short practice. * finally got Callie's old laptop chkdsk'd; resizing the NTFS partition will probably take all night. Making a 10GB space. (1GB swap) * intensive melody drill with N, whose memory for melodies is amazing * got Ubuntu installed on C's laptop. With only half a gig of RAM performance will be marginal, but it works. * bath 10ish; not all that sleepy yet, though. * 11ish - splat 1023 Su * up 7:30; drugs, nose, exercise did back exercises in bed, which seems to be a good way to do them * song edits from yesterday's sessions * 9ish go to have brunch with Chaos @ Applebee's * back ~11:50 * add deb squeeze main non-free to apt/sources.list; install lame and upgrade * 5:20 check in * Glenn came over with steak and pie recipe: cornbread: heat butter in cast-iron skillet; pour batter in and bake ~20min * lots of edits entered. Almost all of them, actually. 1024 Mo * up 7:30; drugs, nose; pack * kids coming 7:30-8 * 9:30 plan on being fed and ready to rehearse good run-through * install cups-bsd to provide lpr command * Good run-through for timing: 40min w/o tOH and GA; add GA back. * San Jose, CA - SJC to Seattle/Tacoma, WA - SEA Confirmation # WQFP6L RETURN OCT 24 5:20 PM Seattle/Tacoma, WA (SEA) to 7:25 PM San Jose, CA (SJC) Flight #2531 * arrived at gate with ~20min to spare after sushi & bathroom. Tighter than I like to cut it, but I actually had more time than I expected and nearly got on the flight boarding at the gate next door. @ 21.5% of the planets have 71% of the mass #OccupyJupiter 1025 Tu * up 6:50ish; W=193.8!; drugs, nose, teeth, exercise, dishes @ chipuni - Shortest epitaph ever: ) John McCarthy, creator of Lisp programming language, dies @ The Ricoh Group Code of Conduct / Corporate Social Responsibility * Walk: Trader Joe's (2mi total) Good conversation about gluten with (TJ employee) Gabriel * submitted inquiry form for the mouse I lost in SJC. " (14:34:51) me@aim: Shifting topics again, I like working for Ricoh. This morning I had to acknowledge having read and agreed to the corporate code of conduct. (14:35:09) Naomi: And? (14:37:23) me@aim: I did, and I do. It's a good document. I think the only thing I don't fully agree with is the part that says "Officers and Employees must have absolutely nothing to do with anti-social activities and elements that pose threats to the safety and good order of society and the lives of its citizens." -- I don't think that this is meant to preclude dealings with the US government and its corporate owners. (14:37:41) me@aim: But it should. " -> duh. new dhcpd probably explains why dhcp isn't working at home. @ DVCS migration: supporting git and hg access from one repo @ The Tao of the Silicon.Shaman - A sign of hope * HSX: Conflikt memberships for me and Colleen. @ Occupy Oakland: Riot police use tear gas, other nonlethal weapons on protestors after chaotic day of evictions, arrests - Boing Boing
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rel, rip, links, music, party, done, travel, luggage

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