0917 Sa
* up 7:15; W=196.2; drugs, nose, teeth, dishes, exercise, light
| some back and trapezius pain. Took naproxen
Judging a Book by its Cover: How Women See Comic Books (
On Language - Crash Blossoms - NYTimes.com (
seanan_mcguire: Across the digital divide. (
print books and poverty, and perhaps after the apocalypse
Borderlands Books : From the Office : Amazon is Nobody's Friend, Part One
by Alan Beatts (scroll down for it) (
trektone - A
bookseller's take on Amazon (not the river))
elf: No pocket paperback, no throwaway edition
& Lucked into a fabulous queen-sized futon couch for $20 only 2 doors down.
Ikea. Unfortunately it doesn't fold as well as I'd like; getting it
upstairs is going to be something of a nightmare. Wait for Og. Don't
know if it would fit downstairs; probably not. - 66x81 or thereabouts.
So... no. Not really; there would only be 6" or so along the side.
% no walk, but I think I got my exercise.
* brought my large suitcase down from attic
The Archdruid Report: The Glass Bead Game ... and its vision of a
less-technological future
The Sad State of AT&T's Quest to Acquire T-Mobile
Not sad for anyone but the Death Star. Where is Luke Skywalker when we
really need him?
* 15min: puttering. bedroom, sewing room, garage. Widening paths.
* drive: Hwy 9 to Santa Cruz, Cliff Drive to Capitola
Capitola warrants a return for a pedestrian explore. No map, but it's
hard to get lost in the sliver between the Bay and Highway 1.
& guacamole: a ripe jalapeno, half a habanero, two avocados
2 cloves of garlic, cumin, salt, lime juice. The habanero got squished in
the garlic press between the garlics; much better than chopping it.
* work, s4s: post based on When I Go =? next Songs for Saturday? - yes
mdlbear | Songs for Saturday: When I Go
* 15min: verified that C+N's humidifier fits in my (expandable) suitcase.
! impressed; pleased.
% Caught in the act: I'm reading a
story, and a
character is about to do something emotionally very risky. I'm having a
lot of trouble reading it. WTF? Wow.
: Colleen walked 6 steps without holding on to anything!
! delighted. mudita.
: Colleen repaired the pair of pants that's been sitting by the sewing
machine for ages. And the pair with the unravelled side seam will get
worked on this week (maybe)
| 9:45 or so - sleepy
& 11pm bed
Was I just complaining about not having enough entries? Admittedly, there
are a lot of links and bits of puttering (indicated by the 15min: tag),
BUT there were a few major items, too.
The biggest, I think, was the fact that Colleen was able to stand up and
take 6 steps without holding on to anything. That's a total distance of
about 3 feet, but still! Progress!
I set out for my walk in the morning, but stopped in at a garage sale two
doors down and found a queen-sized futon couch for $20. The lovely young
woman selling it helped me haul it to the house and into the living room,
whereupon I decided that I'd had my exercise for the day.
We went out for a drive in the afternoon -- Highway 9 to Santa Cruz, then
south on Highway 1, getting off at the exit labeled "harbor", because
Colleen didn't want to be so close to the ocean without seeing it. We
wandered around for a while, eventually finding ourselves on Cliff Drive
between Santa Cruz and Capitola, which was simply lovely. I figured,
correctly, that it would be difficult to get too lost in the little sliver
between the ocean and Highway 1.
We remarked on how we should come back and explore Capitola on
foot/scooter some time, and how it would be a nice place to retire to
(though probably way too expensive). The fact that we're starting to
consider moving, and actually talking about it, is a major step.
When we got home, I made a lovely guacamole (brightened by a ripe jalapeno
and half a habanero pepper), and eventually posted my second
Songs for Saturday.
And Colleen repaired the pair of pants that's been sitting by the sewing
machine for half a year. So I'm feeling pretty good about the day.
I went splat at 11, after feeling sleepy for about an hour and a half. (I
got up at 8:15 this morning, so apparently I needed the sleep no matter
how much I resent having to spend so much of my day unconscious.)
Quite a few links up in the notes, including several about ebooks. Most
of those were related to
Across the digital divide. I may have something to say about that in
the near future.
[Crossposted from
mdlbear.dreamwidth.org, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer.]