Done yesterday (20110825 Th)

Aug 26, 2011 08:24

0825 Th % weird dream involving a vacation with Colleen, a flight into an airport in the Nevada desert, a 15-minute shuttle ride on a frontage road parallel to a major freeway, ending up at something like a bus terminal in the middle of nowhere. Somehow after that we found ourselves at a buffet that had changed its menu to nothing but pasta since the last time we were there. I was still wearing my CPAP when I tried to complain to the cashier. Then there was a military training segment. Very odd. * up 7:40; W=197.2; drugs, nose, teeth, exercises : YD made breakfast! (pancakes and bacon) @ 8 Tiny Things That Stopped Suicides | ( haikujaguar @ How to Be Your Own Best Friend How to be your own best friend - Goodlife Zen How To Be Your Very Own Best Friend @ esr - The Smartphone Wars: Exit Steve Jobs The feeding frenzy surrounding the HP TouchPad is another cause for worry. Nobody wanted them at HPs SRP (which was, basically, pegged to Apples). But when the product was canned and dropped to $99 the stores couldnt find enough to meet demand even given the unsupported software stack. This tells us something important: it tells us that the first Android tablet with hardware comparable to the TouchPad and a supported software stack that goes below $99 is going to meet even more frenzied demand. If Apple doesnt get to that price-performance point sooner than Android, its going to bleed tablet market share like someone slashed an artery. * going-away lunch @ Banana Leaf in Milpitas Tasty, but crowded and noisy. Forget about taking Colleen there. @ Userful MultiSeat - Multiseat Linux Desktop Virtualization Software Turns 1 Computer Into 10 (LWN) - multi-headed Linux using USB video. @ FreedomBox - Debian Wiki (LWN) Inspired by Eben Moglen's vision of a small, cheap and simple computer that serves freedom in the home. We are building a Debian based platform for distributed applications. @ Getting Root On The Human Body - Dark Reading (LWN) - scary. @ xpra - "screen for X11" apt-get install xpra @ ssvnc - Enhanced TightVNC viewer with SSL/SSH tunnel helper : 4pmish - just got the part for my van; it'll be ready tomorrow. At which point I get to negotiate over how much I pay for it. @ river: runnerwolf: Something that drives me insane ascribing motivations to people when you haven't talked to them. @ The iPod of the Hurricane: Songs for a Windy Weekend : The New Yorker FWIW; not particularly great choices for me, but... * attached plastic shelf to desk. A bit fragile but probably ok as long as I don't overload it. The shelf's design is totally stupid, so if it breaks I won't mourn it. * pay bills - Encompass, PG+E, Wells MC. * drugs, nose, teeth 10:45. Bed 11, if not before that.
Some folks at work threw us a going-away lunch yesterday. Felt pretty weird. (I'm not leaving Ricoh, just moving from one subsidiary back to another.) I'll miss the people at EWS, and I've started writing up an exit report (called "When I Go").

I still have one more coding project left, which I have been neglecting.

The YD is off with her UBF until tomorrow evening. I'm cooking. The house feels a bit weird without the kid, but I could get used to it. Easily.

At home, I think my one accomplishment was figuring out how to attach an otherwise-useless and badly-designed plastic shelf to one side of my desk. It's fragile and awkward, but if it breaks I won't be upset at all, just replace it with something more permanent.

I got sleepy around 10pm, and crashed early.

Quite a few good links in the notes.

[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer.]

links, dream, river, done, furniture, tech

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