Done yesterday (20110811 Th)

Aug 12, 2011 17:45

0811 Th * up 7:35; W=199; drugs, nose, teeth, laundry, dishes, light * stool sample for annual colorectal cancer screen @ Daily Kos: Schakowsky's Awesome Jobs Bill Tom Smith and Gridlore @ Gartner: Android OS Sales Top iOS, RIM and Nokia | TechCrunch @ Eating Ancestrally: How To Start Eating and Living Like A Human @jules_stonesoup - basically low-carb diet and moderate exercise. @ Is Multitasking Evil? Or Are Most of Us Illiterate? +rowanf @ Bernie Madoff's Pants Recycled as iPad Cases : TreeHugger @ - IPAD Leather Jacket, 10.4"x8.1"x1.2" black - HD2-023-#HD2-023 IPAD Case, 11"x8.9"x1.6" black * walk: 2mi with chili verde at Sr. Jalapeno's * clone active git repos to tablet to take home. * 3:15 arrange for salmon -- Colleen was out when I called; will pick up * 9pm collect the rest of TGl at the airport - will call cell. @ & 10:30 leave for Oakland to get Callie * bed ~3:30
Yesterday could easily have ended up being a fiasco, but with some amazing last-minute juggling and real-time rescheduling we have cflute and pocketnaomi safely at the starport. (The few missing items were ordered and delivered this morning.)

But... my friends are here, and there were happy hugs all around, and late-night food and conversation. There will be music. Life is good.

It was also a long day, and I slept late this morning.

Moderately productive at work, and I accumulated a pretty good collection of links which you can see in the notes.

[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer.]

friends, done

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