0109 Su
* up 7am; W=199.2; drugs, nose; dishes, coffee; C.
breakfast for Colleen, too.
* backups: 2011-01-09T04:10:01-0800 - 2011-01-09T04:52:51-0800
/dev/sdc5 1349854392 483407160 797878604 38% /media/bak
Watch an Apple Engineer Recreate a 2,000-Year-Old Computer Using Legos
75 Lessons that MUST be Learned in Relationships
* hotel reservations for Consonance 0304-06 conf# 3404563902
elf: Ritual Garb for Law Firms "Every choice, every action, can be a
manifestation of spirit and magic. All garb is ritual garb."
Daily Kos: Guns, God and Incitement. via
* 15min: declutter in office: envelopes in the sinister pile.
* order "10 days to self-esteem" for Kat (Amazon)
The Pleasure Principle: Not All Products Need To Be Painkillers
"So whats my point? If you focus only on painkillers, youll likely miss
out on a completely different, and potentially much larger, set of
opportunities: those that target pleasure. Pornography, sports and coffee
are, for example, three insanely lucrative industries, and each of them
sells the promise of pleasure."
"I believe that a focus on solving pain points alone leads to linear
thinking that suppresses innovation."
* dishes. More office decluttering. More dishes. Sink clear before noon.
Ravan's Rants - A Note on the Giffords Shooting
* buy: pantsu, -time-release- sudafed, loperamide, tums (wallgreen)
* buy: eggs, salad, broccoli, cottage cheese, yogurt (safeway)
@ posted
mdlbear: 15min: Developing good habits
* 15min: decluttering in bedroom closet, window-side bookshelves
* laundry
* 15min: updated list of buckets from post. Now 6 broad categories.
* trying dental wax for the touchpad-blocker card
* 15min: moved Songs dir from /users/steve to /share/Web/steve.savitzky.net
~ separate -Lyrics and- Songs directories for tg.net
* 15min: sorting the left desk pile (ongoing) while waiting for rice.
* Kathy's. There was even some GF lasagna. Good to catch up a little
with Shannon and Jackie among others.
Climate of Hate - NYTimes.com via
The Dendarii Chronicles - Special Comment by Paul Krugman
"When you heard the terrible news from Arizona, were you completely
surprised? Or were you, at some level, expecting something like this
atrocity to happen?"
* 15min: L. pile down to a box sorted into envelopes and flat sheets, and an
inch-deep layer of cards and assorted other small stuff. Wow.
& bed ~11:30; snuggle
% dream involving college, getting some young lady's phone number after a
conversation, bike trails, and something derived from durian packaged in
very nice wheeled tower PC cases. Huh?
A good day -- got a huge amount of decluttering done, fighting the pile to
the left of the monitor down to an inch-deep layer of small debris (which
I mostly dealt with this morning). I still need to sort through the two
boxes of envelopes, loose sheets, business cards, postits, receipts, and
so on. But it's visible progress -- I'm not complaining.
I also wrote an
introductory post for the 15min: tag. So far it seems to be working,
but almost all my selections so far have been from the decluttering
bucket. We'll see.
I got to the Casa de Chaos bash rather late, but there was gluten-free
lasagna left for me. Shouldn't have had dinner at home. Lots of hugs and
catching up -- there are people who I only see at Kathy's
Some good links and a weird dream under the cut.