1116 Tu
* up 6:45; W=195.6; drugs, nose, teeth; coffee
Body scanners, pat downs prompt traveler backlash - CSMonitor.com
Super Recyclable Laptop Can Be Torn Down in 2 Minutes Without Tools
* buy: pantsu, visine
* convert to.do from dos back to unix format.
~ investigate how to.do got dosified. Probably happened going to barnard
* 6pm avoiding
National Opt-Out Day: Anti-TSA Protest Has... | Gather
Penn & Teller | Federal V.I.P Penn
TSA pats down a screaming toddler : The Mommy Files
TSA Pats Down 3-Year-Old - As luck would have it, girl is daughter of TV
Flier Who Refused Scan Threatened With $10K Fine - Libertarian says TSA
tried to stop him from leaving airport
* pay phone bills
"Don't Laugh At Me" lyrics - PETER, PAUL AND MARY
* bed midnightish. Afrin. slept well.
1117 We
* up 6:30; W=195.4; drugs, nose, eye; coffee, dishes
* order: aggrenox
* 9:30 call Kaiser re: eye, nose
-> conjuctivitis; hot compress 10-20m 4-5/day; followed by cold compress
don't touch eye; wash hands often, especially after handling laundry.
contageous until 36 hours after starting treatment with eyedrops
call back if it doesn't go away in 3 days
The ISIS Mobile Wallet: Are Visa, MasterCard and PayPal Under Siege?
The New Myspace Has Arrived: Not a Social Network, but an Entertainment Hub
: Our new VP of Engineering used to be at Taligent -- knows Joyce and Andy
x 4:30 Susan -> Tu 11/23 5pm
& washed my (old) BT headset. Again.
* email jenrose@jenrose.com re: concert video
* pick up eyedrops at Campbell anytime after 2pm;
ask pharmacist about decongestant, since stimulants don't mix w. BP meds
sudafed ok if BP under control. Nothing exists that I haven't tried.
* order Colleen's balsalazide, triamterine/HCTZ
* $400 to YD
elf: Wrong fic is wrong.
When the stars are very, very, very wrong - Cthulhu/My Little Pony fic. IA!
E.Coli Strain Taught to Solve Sudoku, Entered... | Gather
YouTube - Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache Day - see
Movember United States - Home
~ WFH afternoon
* Colleen: humira
blog at izs.me: TSA Success Story
UCSF letter to Holdren concerning health risks of full body scanner TSA
screenings 4-6-2010 [pdf]
I Am Detained By The Feds For Not Answering Questions | The Nomad Lawyer
Too Good to Check - NYTimes.com via
Super Recyclable Laptop Can Be Torn Down in 2 Minutes Without Tools : TreeHugger
% awake at 1:30; eye painful and swollen; still can't breathe.
Our Little Chatterboxes: TSA - Sexual Assault
ACLU: Survey - Report Abuse During Passenger Screening in
U. S. Airports
National Opt-Out Day
% getting up and reading LJ probably not conducive to getting back to sleep.
It's been pretty miserable, actually. My itchy eye was diagnosed (over
the phone) as
conjunctivitis, and I left work at noon yesterday to get lunch on my
way to picking up the prescribed eyedrops. In passing I asked the
pharmacist whether there was anything I could take for my nasal congestion
that I hadn't already tried. There isn't. She said that sudafed was OK
as long as my blood pressure is under control, so I started that. Not in
time to keep from passing a thoroughly miserable night breathing through
my mouth, and with little demons stabbing my eyelids whenever I turned
over too far. :P
The eye was noticably worse this morning, but seems marginally better
now. It still hurts. And itches.
I managed to work through Tuesday, and Wednesday morning. The latter was
probably a mistake, though I did get to a couple of essential meetings.
Good intentions or not, it's hard to work from home on one eye, half a
nose, and not a whole lot of sleep.
I was feeling rather guilty about that until Naomi pointed out this
afternoon that getting well is my job right now. And I was able
to get a little done. And some decluttering at home, an activity
that doesn't demand much more brain power than I can muster right now.
Most of today's collection of links are, not surprisingly, about
the TSA and their new screening procedures.