1009 Sa
* awake 8ish; snuggle
* up 8:30; W=195.4; drugs, nose, teeth; laundry, dishes, coffee, dishes
Buy Green: Yoga Mat : Planet Green - eco-friendly yoga mats
awioppffsof: We have a concert stream! =:o} Cool!
= lullabye: sync voice with downbeat, guitar one beat after. Oh. *thumb*
on the downbeat. OK, that makes sense.
Edirol UA-25 - ALSA wiki - looks somewhat complicated
Midiman Quattro .asoundrc - ALSA wiki
M-Audio Quattro - LQWiki
* walk: 4mi by Los Gatos Creek
* shopping with the Cat: Persian fruit leather, colander, coffee
* buy: coffee
* buy: colander
* but: fruit leather from Persian store (by Zorba's)
* sushi with the YD; long drive afterward.
* dishes
* load drugs for the week
* YD's external drive: Jared says enclosure broken(?)
-> IO errors. Not cleanly unmounted. May be fixable on Windows.
* Lullabye. Got off-beat about halfway through; need the click track to be
louder. But definitely getting there. May be a little too slow.
A pretty relaxing day. I finally figured out what was going wrong with my
scratch track yesterday -- silly bear was mistaken about where the
downbeat comes in the picking pattern. I was able to get about halfway
through Filksong Lullabye before I got off by a beat; I need
to make the click track a little louder, I think.
It looks as though getting USB audio interfaces to work with ALSA is
non-trivial. That kinda sucks. I have been trying to figure out how to
put together a portable, mini-ITX-based recording box, though just how
portable I can make a 4-U rack is something of an open question.
A four-mile walk by Los Gatos Creek, shopping with Colleen, sushi with
Colleen and the YD, and a nice drive afterward. Yeah, good day.
A few links up there under the cut.