0811 We
* up 4:50; W=196.4; coffee, dishes, breakfast
Psycho Donuts - HOME
from (coworker)
mr_kurt, of course.
: LDAP server broken. Things are looking very hosed. Not for me,
though; I use /etc/passwd as God and Brian Kernigan intended.
* talk with Moira; IM with Chaos and Naomi
guitar ergonomics. Cool. Wolfling wants to set up for web work.
: Moira brought us a Kindle2 that they're not using anymore.
(they both have iPads.) So now Colleen and I each have one.
* bed ~11:15; snuggle. Slept very soundly, but with dreams.
the dream I remember involved being in a hotel. Somehow I knew that I
would be working there soon, and didn't like the idea of changing jobs and
having to go into management.
A long, tiring day -- I woke up around 3:30 and as far as I know didn't
get back to sleep. Finally gave up at 4:50 and made myself some
breakfast. At least I got some good snuggle -- Colleen wasn't all that
sleepy either. (Though she did go to sleep around 4am.)
Work was interrupted by a loud virtual crash as the LDAP server went down
taking a large chunk of our infrastructure with it. Not me, though; I
still use /etc/passwd and have distributed version control
via git. Still didn't get much done in the afternoon, but
getting two bugs fixed in the morning didn't hurt either my mood or my
Some good conversations in the evening, both in person and via IM. And
Moira, who just acquired an iPad, gave us a Kindle. So we have two, now,
which means that I can have one. Much lighter (though more fragile) than
my netbook. Will have to see if it can be practical as a go-anywhere
My dreams included going to a hotel, where somehow I knew I would be going
to work at soon. I didn't want to change jobs, especially not if it meant
going into management or something customer-facing. I slept pretty
soundly, though.