Done yesterday (20100514 Fr)

May 15, 2010 10:07

0514 Fr * up 7:30; W=196.4; drugs, nose, teeth; laundry, dishes @ haikujaguar: The Three Micahs on Tracking @ No wonder I had trouble getting a date -- I don't like celery (from johno) @ Best pain scale chart ever (from admnaismith) * puttering in office and bedroom * WFH am -- reasonably productive on API doc * check to Kash for front yard work * banking: deposit tax and HSX checks; get cash out * pick up YD's prescription at Kaiser Campbell @ His Dark Materials & The Assault on Sociopathic Organizations (from naamah-darling) @ Nathan Bransford - Literary Agent: How to Craft a Great Voice (from slweippert) * 2:40pm Mom arrives: leave ~2:20 May 14 Flight 0693 RDU to Chicago departs 950 AM arr. Chicago 10:50, Fl#0693 Lv. Chicago Fl #0600 12:00 PM , arr . San Jose 2:40 PM. & flat tire on the way toi picking up Mom. Still made it in time. Apparently ran over a chunk of metal. :( @ The Thinker--or Just Sitting Around?: Big Oil’s Last Stand, Right's Ideological Pushback Amid Worst Environmental Disaster in U.S. History (from ysabetwordsmith) * BILLS!! (from Thursday) * dishes; laundry. (I should put these in, shouldn't I?) * 11ish bed, snuggle
The good news -- my Mom is visiting for the weekend, from North Carolina. The bad news -- I got a flat tire on my way to the airport, so the morning is pretty much blown while I wait for a new one to be installed. OTGH I had left home early enough that changing the tire didn't make me late.

I did spend a reasonably productive morning working from home, and posted an actual River post in the evening. And spent a couple of hours with Mom and Colleen geeking out on the relative merits of the Kindle (Colleen loves hers; Mom prefers the iPad), iPad (Mom loves hers), and netbooks. So, yay!

Plenty of good links under the cut, as usual.

links, car, done, family

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