0424 Sa
% slept badly, as usual. BPH (or maybe I dreamed it)
* up 8ish; W=197.4; drugs, nose, teeth
Quark (from
In which beauty is a fundamental building block of the universe)
* clearing non-clothes out of dressers
The Three Micahs: Day Jobs, Part 2.
* 12:30 dressers done; salad for lunch
* 16:58 Tired bear. beds out, dressers out, wall cleaned, floor cleaned,
shelf standards up, flea powder down, chili and rice started.
~ 6pm Filksing at Kanef's
* Lenny installed on argo (Thinkpad A30). Setting up.
* 7:30ish beds installed, pathways mostly cleared
% some back pain, but managable. very tired, which isn't surprising.
! very close to the edge. Fell apart when Colleen needed bags cleared from
the path to the commode.
* 20:20 shelves and closet pole up on my side. Still deciding whether to
slide Colleen's track over. -> yes, but it needs a sheetrock screw
* 21:15 everything done but sheets, quilts, and Colleen's shelves
* 10:50 bath
* 11:30 bed. cyclobenzaprine, loratadine
Yesterday was mostly about getting the bedroom done, or at least to the
point where the new beds were in by bedtime.
With help, I did
it. Go me!
In the end I was pretty pleased with the accomplishment, but hurting and
emotionally fragile. I slept well; a combination no doubt of tiredness, a
hot bath, and cyclobenzaprine.
A couple of links under the cut.