Done yesterday (20100422 Th)

Apr 23, 2010 07:54

0422 Th % BPH :( * up 6am; W=198.4; drugs, nose @ thread about Wheelin' * walgreen's: pantsu. YD found an Emerson electric razor for $10. * clean up ~steve on Barnard; pack for shipping. [ chg p/w to Xyzzy1 ] rm -rf .mozilla .pidgin Private public_html/* @ Embracing the digital book @ The iPad in the Eyes of the Digerati - * walk: 3x around pond. warm. decent pace. ~ large ziploc bags and * plastic bins for contents of dressers Colleen says Cosentino's has them. -> Colleen * date night: Red Robin. Not so great. * pay bills. Colleen's cash transfer now automatic weekly. * set up auto-pay for Colleen - $750 2x/month * 1031 the technique is to add it to "accounts", then schedule transfer(s) * 1103 either the web form is broken, or I don't know the acc't # = note: the account # is 8 digits; web wants 10. Prepend 00 * verify account# because name doesn't show ~ 0422 set up the transfer ->350 weekly * post about Saturday's work party; sig-boo for J. * Thankful Thursday * bed 11:30ish
A reasonably productive day at work, at least if you count meetings as being productive. A nice walk, at a pretty good pace.

We went to Red Robin for dinner. Not much that was bearable, but OK. St/rolled around the El Paseo de Saratoga shopping center, and went for a bit of a drive afterward.

Got a few things done at home, too. Links under the cut, as usual.

walk, links, food, date, done

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