0407 We
* up 6:40; W=196.8; drugs, nose, teeth
* water day
The Great Con-ola (from
: Barnard isn't charging its battery. Grump. Will try deep discharge.
~ turn off Alhambra. 1-800-492-8377 acc't 2788 5334 9599 49
11:29 Colleen called to say that she'd handled it with the delivery guy
* mac mini installed at work. Setup in progress. Very quiet.
gmcdavid - Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and the long road to the iPad
* walk: 3 or 4x around pond. Nice weather.
A couple of smiles and hellos from youngish women. What's with that?
NYTimes Ethicist: Not Unethical To Download Unauthorized Copy Of Physical
Book You Own -- illegal, but not unethical. The law should catch up.
Explanations to common Java exceptions (from (coworker) Sergei)
* schedule maintenance for Honda - maybe Friday, so can walk to get it Sat.
: letting barnard discharge down to 2% didn't help. :(
running diagnostics in utility partition. SMBIOS battery test says ok.
Note: does not charge when turned off, either.
express test says: (repeatably)
Error code 4400:011A
Msg: SCSI_0-0000_DISK_GENERIC-_MULTI-CARD - Target not ready
Hmm. was 2%. Now 3%. Charging when in test utility?
: and now my uSD drive is missing. :( :(
& upgrading Argo (after replacing dead ethernet cable in LR)
* sort 2009 HSX receipts
* preliminary level adjustments in Norwescon concert recording
A good walk, and we finally turned off our bottled water account now that
we're using a filter -- much cheaper. On the flip side, my netbook isn't
charging its battery. GRUMP!! Works fine on AC power, and there doesn't
seem to be anything wrong with the battery itself.
I started upgrading Argo, my Thinkpad A30, to the latest Ubuntu. *sigh*
It'll be nice to have a living-room machine with a decent keyboard,
Good links under the cut, as usual.