1125 We
* up 6:30ish; drugs, nose, teeth; coffee
* DO NOT wake the YD - no school today
* make appointment with Awsare (last was apparently Feb.)
used the web form; entirely painless, avoided phone call
& HSX: advance royalties to N. for Shattered and Amethyst Rose
* pay remaining bills for the month
* Colleen: Humira
Kindle 2.3 software update available -- Engadget
Kindle Software Update Version 2.3
ChromeOS on a USB stick
Comparing File Sharing To Payola | Techdirt
@ 1:15 put in an intensely frustrating hour and a half looking for an
important email that apparently went astray somewhere. Non-fatal but...
& fought with benefits site over password. didn't help that FF kept
putting it in the username field; by the time I realized that I could
get it out of FF I'd already put in a change request, but the email
never arrived. They suck.
DIY Light Bulb Planters and Mini Terrariums (gizmodo)
TeamDroid | DIY Hollow Out A Light Bulb
Reusing Lightbulbs: as planters or mini terrariums
Get Your Hands on a Non-Functioning WETA Ray Gun
* short walk around building before going home
* wiper blades for van at Kragen (coupon)
* Wishful Wednesday -> thanks in advance
* print party fliers
American Heart Association Fitting in Fitness: Hundreds of Simple Ways to
Put More Physical Activity Into Your Life (from
folkmew )
& ordered from Powell's
* dishes
* print cards for Colleen, me
. come up with set list for LosCon
(probably best to make it stuff from the next album)
mbrains ms-bear ma-bear riverheart inherit stuff
* start directory in /users/record (1125)
* need 1-3 more songs; or -> QV
. pack.
*Ransack the Microsoft bag: stuff is hiding in there
* flexeril.
x hard candy from honda
* bed 11:30? midnight? snuggle.
1126 Th Thanksgiving - LOSCON
* awake(ned) 6ish; up 6:30ish; drugs, nose.
YD made bearable apple pancakes (a little too early)
= Los Angeles Airport Marriott 1-800-228-9290 11/26 Th 3 nights
conf#s accessible: 81521886 double: 81522310
0926 Th
! got seriously frazzled on the way out; settled down quickly once
all the last-minute stuff was done with and we were on the freeway.
" (10:51:54 PM) me: Well, we had Kaylee. Getting everything into the car
was a bit challenging. Good thing I'm four-dimentional.
(10:52:21 PM) chaos_tigerwolf: *smirk* Yeah. Master of Bear and Space.
(10:52:24 PM) chaos_tigerwolf: Hehehe.
(10:53:26 PM) me: As opposed to your Mom, who's the Mistress of Spice and
(10:53:54 PM) ***chaos_tigerwolf LOLS at that one....you need to tell her
that one.
(10:54:13 PM) me: So I do.
? wonder whether I'm allergic to something. Nose pretty clear all day.
* bed 11:30ish; snuggle
1127 Fr
* awake 6ish; snuggle
* up 7ish; drugs, nose; coffee
Black Friday Sale @
Tom Smith Online
* ordered some concert downloads from Tom Smith
links in email in m.m.filk; good for 7 days
= one has to get downstairs ~10 to have any hope of making the
buffet breakfast, which gets put away at 11
* cloned repo for Private onto dsl, and from there to barnard. YAY!!
The repo on dsl is bare, of course.
* bought memberships for Westercon 64 in San Jose
* downloaded concerts to Barnard; very slow on dorsai. wtf?
Wonder whether the speed problem is on the starport end
-> dried kiwi tastes awful. Sort of soapy
& changed strings because they were *really* dead.
* 4:30 Concerts start (Nick Smith has schedule)
90min, so I'm probably a :30 slot at 5:00
* start directory in /users/record (1125)
* need 1-3 more songs; or -> QV
riverheart inherit ms-bear ma-bear stuff quiet
maybe not quite the ideal order, but it fit the time slot and had
only two capo changes.
No amplification, but a small enough audience not to really need it.
Seemed to go over well,
$ one CD sold.
* Parties. Full bottle of water, plus chili. Maybe more than I
needed, especially after an overpriced dinner.
* laundry
* bed ~12:30; snuggle
1128 Sa
* up 7ish. Drugs, nose; coffee
* Breakfast alone; conversations with Barry Gold, Moira, and the
Tyra/Bohnhoff party. Should have come down a little later, maybe.
* Bought memberships for Westercon/ConChord 2010
* Concerts.
1:00 Moira
"All I Ask of You" would be lovely for TGl; not practical, alas.
"Black Lace and Midnight", maybe
2:30 Odds Bodkins (bought 4 CDs; there's one more)
4:00 Bohnhoffs. Preview of Midichlorian Rhapsody while waiting
& Change rooms to 5018; 618 was scheduled for deep cleaning. (bugs?)
comp last night. For $100 I'll spend half an hour moving.
->TGl: The Tyras have some great mic stand shelf/drink-holders; one
has a rack to display CDs as well.
->should do a River post on going to a con with a partner.
Partners need a lot of training, as it turns out, especially if
they're used to going solo or one partner's health has changed.
* delivered package to Tibicina
~ /users/tg/Lyrics already under git,
* laundry, with guitar and computer
* small filk circle
bigger, riverheart, vampire, wheelin, two bears
? my Droid demagnetizes keycards!! GAAK! Or else not. WTF?
I was probably just too sleepy to put the card in right!
: mail: first card of the season, also the book Mom sent on stone circles
(new tag: : for noteworthy stuff that happened, rather than what I _did_
* backups: 2009-11-29T22:33:26-0800 - 2009-11-29T23:19:57-0800
* bed ~00:15; snuggle
1129 Su
* awake 6ish; up 7:15; drugs, nose; coffee
& Key works fine; probably PEBCaK (or would that be HaK: hallway & key)
* Breakfast. Coffee with jcbemis & Tony
* Coffee with the Cat. Plan on meeting downstairs at 1pm with luggage
* 1:30 on the road
* Dinner: Madonna Inn
Three cups of coffee helped a great deal in staying awake
! Fun to watch Kaylee enjoying it.
* 10ish: home; laundry, minimal unpacking
! summary: happy bear; good weekend. Colleen noticably better even than
ConChord -- *much* better at maneuvering in tight spaces
= travel: the little duffel makes a good bag for electronics.
I need a suitcase the size of Colleen's, now that she's using it again
* git pull dsl master -- worked perfectly; have to figure out how to specify
the branch to pull.
* 11ish cyclobenzaprine, bath
* 11:30p bed
The details are, as usual, in the raw notes, but I had a very good Loscon
I didn't get to any panels this year, but I got to all of the
concerts on Friday and Saturday, and the filk circle Saturday night. That
was very good -- small enough, maybe 4-6 performers -- to flow
well but still allow time for a little conversation.
No really deep conversations, but a lot of good catching up with friends.
I'll take that, though I'd prefer both.
Travel notes:
- Doing the laundry is a lot more fun if you take a guitar and a netbook.
- The little black duffel bag makes a good place for cords, chargers, and
other random electronic stuff.
- Using git means being able to work locally without having
to care whether you have a net connection.
- I need a bigger suitcase now that Colleen is back to using the purple
one. But not as big as the one the YD has -- what a monster!
- The little rolling shopping carts are the wrong shape -- narrow and
deep -- to be usable as laundry hampers. The rollycrate works, though.