1114 Sa
* up 7:40; W=198; drugs, nose, teeth; coffee
. Jared staying here until 1114 (1111)
* 9am work party in our back yard (organized by Andrew)
Andrew, Jilara, Rob, Sharon, Jared.
Major progress on the driveway and back yard.
* shuffle cars
* buy panties, meat, trash bags, snacks (which proved an essential component
of lunch)
* 11:45 YD to modeling school must be there by 12:30
* Yummy lunch, courtesy of Sharon
! Feeling pretty good. Optimistic(?), contented.
| not as achy as the last week or so. mild flu?
* Walk: Parkmoor to Bascom to W. San Carlos
! calm, basically neutral
| minor aches in l. ankle, legs.
& The $.99 store is predictably unimpressive, but the purple shopping carts
and tote bags are awesome. Lots of stuff in smaller-than-usual packages.
& YD upset; won't tell me or Colleen why
* next work party in maybe 2 months
~ failed to install any printers on Colleen's Eee.
! frustrated, annoyed, puzzled.
* bed ~10pm; snuggle
Yesterday was the "big" work party at the Starport. Huge amounts of
progress were made cleaning up the driveway and the back yard, though
nowhere near as much as if we'd had the hoped-for 10 people instead of 5.
The next one will probably be in January sometime.
I spent most of the day runing errands, doing dishes, and assisting in the
kitchen -- yard work is hard on my back, and somebody has to do
the support. Infrastructure is my specialty, after all. My impulse buy
of a bag of potato chips and a large salami at Safeway (while out for
ground beef and large garbags) proved an essential component of lunch. So
go me!
I noticed myself feeling pretty good in the morning. Contented and
perhaps a bit optimistic. Colleen sent me out for a walk in the
mid-afternoon; my mood was basically calm and pretty neutral. I took the
Leigh-Parkmoor-Bascom-W. San Carlos route around the neighborhood, and
checked out the new $.99 store. It was predictably unimpressive, with a
lot of things in smaller-than-normal packages, but the purple shopping
carts and tote bags were awesome. I'll almost certainly go back sometime
just to get a couple of bags (which are, of course, $.99 each).
Spent most of the evening in the living room being more-or-less sociable.
Tried to get printing installed on Colleen's Eee, but no joy. Probably
something having to do with my wacko network topology; need to fix that
soon. Or it could be Ubuntu's GUI for CUPS. Anyway, grumpf.
And I was feeling a lot less achy and generally
slightly-under-the-weather; maybe that was a mild flu? Anyway, a good
day. I should do that more often.