0313 Fr
* up 6:40; W=187.6; drugs, coffee, emergenC
& Colleen (after taking YD to school) - all leg joints working!
! delighted; optimistic; loved/loving
* breakfast.
* 13:30 S. Rothman at Kaiser useful
& work: study Kindle 2
! happy that it arrived on time
! frustrated at slowness and inability to log in on LJ
& Colleen
! frustrated by Kindle, otherwise pleased at her progress
& Joyce brought over some gluten-free matzoh ball soup. Yum.
! surprised, pleased
& relationship counseling. I'm not very good at it.
! concerned. worried.
* bed ~1:20
It felt like a busy day at the time... And it was mostly good --
I'm delighted with the surprisingly rapid progress Colleen is making.
I wound up being intensely frustrated by the Amazon Kindle I bought her:
web browsing is slow, formatting is poor, and I seem to be unable to log
in so she can read locked posts. Grrr. But it'll work for reading public
posts, and she seems generally happy with it. I still don't know whether
I should make her an account of her own, or leave it with mine. She
doesn't have her own Amazon account.
Joyce brought over some gluten-free matzoh-ball soup -- delightful! And
I've received lots of happy-making comments on LJ. But apart from that,
it didn't feel much like my birthday. I think that, at my age, that's
probably a good thing.
Spent much of the evening in Middle-Sized Bear mode. I have no idea
whether it helped or made things worse. Some people seem to think I'm
good at it; from the inside I'm totally out of my depth and have no
confidence in my ability, because I don't understand it at all.
/me sighs deeply.