Nov 25, 2009 07:36
I signed up on Facebook maybe a few months after it started when I was at Stanford's summer thing. It seemed like a neat idea then because it was MySpace except it didn't allow people to stab you in the eye with CSS.
Now, it just kind of creeps me out. It was exporting my LJ-imported "notes" to everybody--not just friends or friends of friends--because it buries the option to configure that under a privacy page that doesn't show up at all from the main privacy settings page and it defaults to everybody.
So, between that and the way it already attempts to use every other piece of personal information you volunteer to spin up obnoxious (describes all advertising) and tasteless (describes most advertising) "targeted" ads, I've killed the note importing. It's not even that I'm concerned about privacy--of course no human will ever look at whatever Facebook has collected on me--I just don't like the purpose for which they're doing it, and it bothers me that they started with certain defaults for what information random people could see and have since changed them to allowing people to see nearly everything unless you specify otherwise.
As a fun example that's not related to the notes functionality but could very well be if they were to start doing some sort of AdSense-like shit, one of my friends noticed that he suddenly started getting tons of dating ads when his relationship status changed back to single.
I don't think a clever comment is even necessary.