May 02, 2007 11:02
So i think that the cox people are coming to my place today while im at work and then by the time i get off everything should be fixed and ready to go or atleast if its not then it should be here within the next couple days.I got my first raise added on already and its not as big as the other one im going to get but its better than nothing and when i get my certification done i will get another raise and that will be awesome.
On another note i am really pissed at eric bc we got into a fight the other night at my house and he got mad bc i woudnt let him have slutty girls over at my house bc he wanted to have girls over so he could do stuff with them and i told him that im not going to let that shit go on in my house so he got mad and come to find out that he has been telling people that i have been doing certain things or saying things about them. So i have been getting emails and phone calls from people saying that i have either done something or said something about them and none of it is true and its really fucked up, especially since he straight out told me that he did it and he acted as if he was proud of it or something. So to those of you who will see this none of that stuff is true and its really fucked up that something like this would happen period let alone over someone wanting ot mess around with a bunch of bitches. So im sorry but i didnt do or say any of those things.
All in all im glad my raise is in effect and that i will be getting another one and it makes work so much easiar that way and makes me actually glad that i work that hard and that i have extra money and that i dont have to work all the time to get decent money, so im glad that my hard work is paying off. But for now i am at work and have to start my shift but felt it important to let everyone know about erics escapades bc im tired of everyone beeing mad at me for things i didnt do so i felt i should let u all know he is a liar. I will update agian with all the other important things that are going on but for the amount of time i have before my shift this is the most important as of now bc its pissing me off so much !!!!