HL100 challenge #80

Jun 02, 2005 17:09

Last day of work!! *So* excited!!!

#80 Free Week: Happens Every Time

As Methos placed his order at the bar, the woman beside him gave him an appraising glance and apparently deemed him worthy. She leaned close, smiling. “Great band, yeah?”

He nodded absently.

“I never miss when they’re playing. I’m Lauren, by the way.”


“So Adam, where are you from?”

Methos chuckled. “Oh, here and there...I tend to wander. Currently I’m calling the US home.”

“Really, whereabouts?”

“Washington state. Seacouver.”




He shook his head, defeated. It was a large enough city - why was it no one he met ever seemed to have heard of it?


drabble, fic, highlander

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