Dec 16, 2009 08:48
It's been fascinating watching the evolution of my website the last few years, because, as you know, STATS don't lie :).
Currently, my main traffic is from Australia, Germany and Russia (led by the inevitable US commercial stuff). So thank YOU to those readers! UK stats are starting to climb again after a couple of low years. Next strongest contenders are Netherlands and Poland, with New Zealand fluctuating. The biggest new inclusion has been China over the last few months.
Unique visits per day are at 800-1,000 per day and 130,000 hits a month, a big increase from 300 visits a month and 60,000 hits a month a year ago. Of course it would be nice if it was more like 1000 visits an hour!
Again, thanks to everyone who drops by to visit I welcome any suggestions to make it more interesting for you - so fire way!