I love my new desk. It's next to my bed and I'm using it now. It's just a very small pine table with a drawer underneath that I put my computer on but it's Very Important.
Before, in the same place, was a sturdy kind of step-stool and that's what I put my computer on. I had an even smaller stool that I sat on to use it and even though my posture was very bad I thought it was OK. It's sort of Japanese - I thought - living close to the ground can be nice. I kept my cables and adaptors and wiry-junk-things in an old cat food box stored (neatly) under the bed and I thought it was fine.
But now I have a proper desk with a proper drawer. There's enough space on the desk for a cup of tea so I don't have to put that on the ground any more. I've put the things from the cat food box in the drawer and now I feel more grown up. Having things in a box under the bed, even when they are put away very neatly, isn't as good as drawer which doesn't seem fair but turns out to be true.
I might even decorate my desk: sand it back and stain it and varnish it. Buy a new handle for the drawer.
I got the new desk because I went to a yoga class about posture and I realised mine was very bad (especially at the computer). I told my Aunt this and she said she had a little table in the basement that might be better. I could have a chair from the dining room. When I woke up this morning it was sitting by my door but I took it outside again so I could clean it with a stiff-bristled brush. I made the desk clean and put it where the step-stool had been and now I feel much better. Because I had done something badly, realised it, fixed it, and now I am doing something well.