Кто поверил в чеченский след в Бостоне? - ГолосИслама.RU

Apr 27, 2013 17:34


Who believed in the Chechen trace in Boston?

26.04.2013, 22:30 The events and incidents Umm Muhammad ( 1106 ) 2 580

Two explosions during the Boston Marathon April 15, 2013. For the ridiculous cynical crime on activities designed to promote peaceful cooperation of nations, followed by long hours of fabulous show called "The persecution of suspected" that the brothers were named Tsarnaevy, ethnic Chechens living in the United States. Our author Hamza Askhabov believes that Tsarnaevy brothers, one of whom was killed and the other is in the hospital and, according to the police, will never be able to say, in fact, intelligence agencies were selected as ritual sacrifices, and the goal of the organizers of terrorist attacks actually completely different than the "defense of Islam."
This crime can hardly be called an act of terrorism - no object of terror, nor the subject. There is no destination, and no addressee, it is not clear who frighten, intimidate those who, for what, or for what is frightening.
This particular type of crime committed not against the social group, or ideology of the state, and for the creation of a specific political atmosphere in the interests of some centers of power within the United States, which can take advantage of it.
The true purpose of this crime can be understood only from the analysis of its official interpretation made by the U.S. government, as well as the real action, with cause-and-effect relationship with him. Who ordered and executed the attacks will determine the competent authorities of the state, based on their interests. In this case, simply to name the suspects, will finish the rest of the media. Because this is the case, when the assumption is more effective than proof.

The suspects brutally punished before trial
In accordance with the rules of the genre, the essence of the investigation of explosions in Boston has been reduced to what would determine or assign the main suspects, instead of the actual research performers. As you work extremely activate the media in recent days, and it is given in the wake of the security forces, the word suspect gradually came to be seen as guilty. Then the suspects were caught and killed in detention, as hardened fugitives capable of anything. The public did not even notice that the suspects were automatically performers and were severely punished, even before reaching the investigation and trial. Thus, the task of the competent authorities was almost finished, the applause of the cheering crowd. A number of serious questions, inconsistencies, violations hang in the air, because there is nobody to address them.

The victims of this crime were not the only ones who have suffered physically from the explosions and the suspicion of the competent authorities, and the billions of ordinary people throughout the land, which "is the model state of the world" shows that have come other times when it makes no sense for the government to protect human rights and interests of the masses in the absence of the communist threat. The world, it can be said, has turned into a village with one center of decision-making and with one dominant ideology.

The symbolic sacrifice?
The executors of the crime assigned two brothers - Tamerlane and Johar Tsarnaevy, ethnic Chechens who have been granted asylum in the United States and lived there for the last ten years.

Methods for their determination as the main suspects, an operation to arrest and demonstration of the fallen young Chechens - it was all done so, "the Russian way", that is just the methods and means that for many years the Russian security forces in the North Caucasus demonstrated during "counterterrorism operations" that any member of the military campaigns in Chechnya understood and was able to read this kind of "substantive letter" Russian Americans.
Brothers Tsarnaevy largely symbolic rather sacrifice. Americans have shown as much as a bunch of characters - Johar, Chechnya, Dagestan, the wife of Tamerlane, who converted to Islam, and so on. That is, it was precisely the most painful point of Russia, which are used by the U.S. for the benefit of its weakening and collapse.
The sacrifice made by the U.S. secret services through slaughter Tsarnaevyh brothers, whom they had previously sheltered and cherished, can be interpreted unambiguously. America is mired in Muslim countries, where it is deliberately generated chaos, strife and destruction, and seeking concessions from Russia in the Syrian issue in exchange for a review of its position on Russia in the North Caucasus.

In addition, the brand advertised in the media of Chechnya and Dagestan, as the territory of the terrorist activity of Islamic radicals, is designed to smooth out the questions about the failure of the technically almost all-powerful U.S. intelligence.

Protecting Islam has nothing to do with it
In order to predict the algorithm of further U.S. action, it is necessary to wait for an official interpretation of the motive of the explosions and the designation of the organization responsible for them, the power of the United States.
You should not lose sight of the fact that terrorist attacks may also play an essential and in domestic politics on the other side of the ocean, and can be used to put pressure on the government competing team.
In any case, by how much media involved and how often created public outcry around the world, it can be assumed that these explosions will have a far-reaching and, of course, they are not committed to serve the interests of some of the unrecognized states. Or, especially, for the protection of Islam, as we are trying to impress.
Author : Hamza Askhabov Source : ansar.ru

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