Was play'n WoW today...I wantedta go outside, but a few things stopped me.
First was that my right ankle/leg was acting up (injured muscle from a high school soccer injury) the other day, so I knew I neededa rest it.
Second was that dad banned me from playing soccer outside (cause I kick the ball against the wall atween the garage doors, and just because I did that once in the rain and it left a dirt impression between the wet ground and the gunk already on my ball...well, I'll just have to kick it around when he's not home, then).
Third was that I didn't have a tennis ball to use cause dad said he'd stop at a place that carried em but didn't, and mine would have to be scrubbed or something cause it got thrown into the way back of the garage...into a thick cobweb coated in dust and plaster. And now, it's not where I even left it.
So...couldn't do much of anything outside. So, I played WoW.
Got into a group for Wailing Caverns instance dungeon. The first group was...bad.
We had a...lesse...lv24 tauren druid that was our healer, a lv20 warrior, a lv16 warrior, a lv18 hunter, and me (lv23 druid). Pretty good group for WC, minus the lv16, but our group SUCKED. The other druid and I were the only ones that had a clue what we were doing, how a group worked, and what our jobs were.
The warrior (I swear he friended me, cause he sends tells the second I log in...help just ONCE, and get a leech)...well, the lv20 warrior...had no clue what the hell he was doing.
When we'd be recharging mana, he'd go and rush in and try to kill stuff. When I joined the group, he had already been killed. Either he had flagged himself or tried to attack them, but there had been two alliance chars inside the caverns fishing, so our lil lv20 decided he'd take them on by himself.
Yea. So, I get into the instance with the others, who are just about to go retrieve our lv20 warrior, when he finally gets unflagged and makes it in.
Then, we jump down, kill some mobs, and head into this area where we HAD to pull or get trampled. So, guess what our lv20 warrior does?
He goes and does a Leeroy. Pulled about 3-4 mobs onto us...all between level 19-21 elites (tougher than normal). I had to pull out of shapeshift form to help heal sometimes, and...well, we didn't all die. Just the lv20 warrior.
The next time, he goes and does it again...and dies. I have to rez him cause druids aren't like priests...we have a cooldown on our ressurection spell. A 30 minute cooldown. So, the first druid couldn't rez cause he still had cooldown time remaining, so I had to do it.
Not even 15 minutes later, he goes and pulls a Leeroy again, dies, and asks for a rez.
The lv24 druid says: I have 10 minutes left.
I say: I have 16 minutes left.
Long story short, he would either have to walk back to the instance to recover his body, or rez at a graveyard.
The idiot rezzed at a graveyard, and couldn't make it back past all the mobs that had respawned. This was after we had split up to find a boss...he and the hunter had died, and we couldn't rez either of them. And, even working together, the two couldn't get back to the instance.
So, the other druid and I go and kill a couple things on our own, then stop since the lv16 warrior had left, and we were the only two in the instance. We wouldn't be able to handle mass agro cause some of the mobs use sleep spells or fear spells.
The second group was a lot more productive. We had a group of four...myself, the druid from earlier (I'd invited him to join up cause I added him to 'friends' since he knew what he was doing), a lv19 warlock, and a lv21 warrior.
We ran through the entire dungeon. Nobody died. Not even once. A couple came close to it, but we go to them in time. The warrior had run through WC a million times before, and knew where to go...and we all knew what our jobs were in the group.
Four people, running a 17-24 elite dungeon with no real healer (priest or paladin). That's says something. XD
PS: For those of you that dunno what I'm talking about when I say "Leeroy Jenkins", I'll embed the video. Even if you're not into WoW, it's funny. Watch it if you haven't. It's great.
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