
Apr 30, 2007 20:17

Well, I finally got around to doing it (and finishing it).
Spent hours on it...about 2-4 hours on Sunday getting it down, then about the same today getting it right and re-working it.

This was the very first video that had more than three revisions. Most of mine have at least one, but usually end at two. This one had four.

It's a video dedicated and in memory of my dog, Pepper. I used a Josh Groban song to go with it...nearly used "Melodies of Life", since I would sing that to Pepper whenever there was a thunderstorm to calm her down...but for some reason, this song just jumped at me.

Anyways, here's the URL if the below embedding doesn't work:

image Click to view

I showed it to dad and my boyfriend so far (yes, I have a boyfriend for those wondering... ::blushes:: ), and they loved it.
Dad suggested I send a copy to the vet that usedta take care of Pepper, and offer to do slide presentations like that for other people...make some money doing such a thing for folks.
That thought hadn't even occured to me. I'll consider it. It is a lot of work...and I use Premiere to fit the thing together, not Power Point or Flash. And I use Photoshop to make sure the pictures will fit correctly on the screen and make the titles (since my GIF animator doesn't want to work...).

Dad said Pepper would be proud of the video...and though I like the way it came out, it just doesn't feel like it honors her enough. She amazing. I don't think all the dedication I could pump into videos, poems, and stories would be enough. But I at least want to try. Because she's worth all that and more.

music video, pepper, pets

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