Who: Tony
What: Recovering
When: Same day as the opening of Gold 21
Interactions: Closed
Warnings: None
Laying on what could be the softest bed in the world was a very tried Tony Stark, in a deep heavy sleep that began moments before dawn. It was then when Iron Man arrived in his New York City home looking worse for wear. The mission given to Tony was perfect and well suited for him, but it had to be kept secret. Something he didn't agree with but really had no choice in the matter. Purposely Tony had ignored the date and time. All that would do would make him anxious about the goings on at Stark Resilient and how it would be going without him. Even though he had planned for contingencies in where he would be absent for long periods of time, or even permanently it was still hard to not stay worried. Attempting to make it so RT tech would provide free renewable energy to everyone around the globe was turning out to be an arduous task. One that he felt he could stand up to. Well, when he was awake anyway. After having barely got home his armor, dubbed by Tony as 'The Bleeding Edge', quickly changed from armor into a pair of silk pajamas as he passed out.
But that was then. Now his eyes fluttered open to see darkness outside his window. It was night? "All day?" he asked incredulously to no one. Activating his date and time again Tony looked to his forearm which changed from silk pajamas to a red and gold display showing the thirteen hour period where he was unconscious. Giving a yawn, he stood up and made his way to his shower. All he could think was that if the Avengers Society ever wanted him to a ridiculously long mission like this again, it better be way off in the future and with a notice at least a few months in advance. The other thought that came along is he had never been so grateful to be scrubbing dirt and grime off of himself after the ordeal that a certain snarky friend would simply label as 'Shenanigans". Seriously, his jokes were the worst. At least Tony had some established demeanor in his wit. Most of the time. After the shower automatically turned off Tony began drying himself off when a hologram appeared on the mirror. Rubbing a towel over his hair in every way possible he skimmed the notice that was displayed slowing down to a complete stop.
"But the
Gold 21 wasn't supposed to open until....until-" Tony glanced over at the date. "I've been gone that long!?" he asked even more shocked than before. Hastily he finished drying himself off as his armor began covering his skin. "Don't even have time for a jet." he grumbled as his fast walking made the sounds of patters by bare feet to heavy footfalls of armored jet boots. When he got past his front door the repulsors at the bottom of his feet powered on and Iron Man was flying his way to Gotham.
The door to his house closed automatically, the alarm setting back on.