Who: Melina
What: Havin a fight
When: late afternoon
Where: Seattle
Interactions: Open, No posting order
Warnings: It's a battle? But not too epic of one >D
Melina was tired.
She'd been sent up there, at the most godawful hour in the morning. "Survey the new office site" She'd been told. And after some arguing, had flown from her new residence in California to Seattle, Washington to check out the new headquarters of Stark Resilient. Not that it was that bad of a flight, The upgrades she'd been making to her suit made it a breeze really, and since the Dog Run had been installed, Copper (or "Iron Dog" as he'd been affectionately nicknamed by some of Tony's sleep over guests) was in doggy heaven on earth. As for the site itself, it was beautiful. And Mellina couldn't help but feel a little excited to think about working up there. New places always seemed to give her a rush, but maybe that was just because sometimes, any place seemed better than her hometown of Gotham. After meeting Tony's business partners and seeing everything and talking however, she was hungry and a bit worn out. So the young woman decided it would be best (and extremely entertaining) if she saw the actual city and grabbed a bite to eat while she was there.
The best laid plans, right?
Three bites into an amazing turkey club sandwhich, and the ground shook. Then again, and again. And Melina knew, something big was walking through town. Hurriedly but politely she got a to go box and the bill, paying for her food and then heading out to a back alley, where she stashed it and changed just in time to hear a booming roar echo through the city. Dashing around the corner and out into the street she saw a gargantuan size man wearing army green pants, no shoes, and no shirt. He had rippling muscles and his head was mostly (but disturbingly not completely) bald. His face gnarled in an angry grimace.
"I warned you! No prison can hold the unstoppable force known as...THE CRUSHER!" He said, his hispanic accent was thick and it made hsi words draw out somewhat unnarturally. He then hoisted a car over his head and threw it at the swat members who were trying to contain him. As they scattered, Melina dropped her faceplate down and rushed in to fill the void , hoping onto the car and then back to the ground as it rolled down the street. The Crusher looked down at her and gave a sinister chuckle.
"So, the Iron fool sends a little girl to fight in his place eh? I will show him his folly, when I send your head back to him in the mail!" he cackled, but Melina wasn't amused.
"Oh, you think so big guy? I'm not so sure." She said as she engaged her flight and barreled toward him, using the force to add more power to her hammer strike "I think he doesn't consider you that much of a threat, since he didn't bother to show up here himself!" She was bluffing of course, Tony didn't even know the guy was up here most likely. Still, as her hammer landed on the man's stomach, and he staggered back a couple of steps, she couldn't help but feel like he probably wouldn't have been concerned even if he did.
The guy's swings were slow, and more than a little sloppy. A big bruiser who probably would hurt if he hit, but who wasn't going to get that many hits in even on a good day. He made a grab for her and she zipped around him like a fly, coming around behind him with another powerful strike of her hammer.