(no subject)

Mar 21, 2009 03:42

Who: Avery
What: Settling in
When: The day after the briefing
Where: Gotham
Interactions: Open
Warnings: None


They're good for so many things. But at that moment, around mid-afternoon, in the City of Gotham, the rooftops were being used in a way they'd become quite acustomed to by that point. For quick travel and in a unique way, education. If Gotham City could show people the history of it's buildings, it would inevitably show a worn and weathered series of interconnecting paths all across it's rooftops. Places where the heroes of the past had tread and where the heroes of the present and future were sure to follow. Today these invisible yet well worn trails were leading a young raven haired girl across the city, beat up jeans and black hoodie clinging to her lithe 16 year old frame. Black, steel toed boots, with odd puncture marks in the fronts, as though knives had been pushed through them from the inside out over and over again, beat their way across concrete and brick, and while her olive green eyes scanned the streets below, they weren't working nearly as hard as her hearing, and her sense of smell.

But it wasn't criminals that Avery was hunting this afternoon. No, today it was something more mundane, and also more entertaining. She wanted fast food, and still being fairly unfamiliar with the city, she was out looking for a burger joint. Using mostly her sense of smell to guide her to the unique scent of cow meat cooking on a cheap grill. Realizing she was getting close, she leapt off the edge of the last building she'd been running across, and then repelled from fire escape railing to fire escape railing on her way down to the little alleyway below, She landed on the ground next to a dumpster with a 'whump' noise, her body crouched down to better cushion the impact. Within moments though she was standing once more, dusting herself off and taking another long sniff to make sure she was smelling the right things. Meat, cheese, bread, mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, yes, she had the right trail. The girl exited the alley, taking a moment to tighten her fingerless gloves, which like her boots, had metal plates on them that had puncture marks in that metal.

As soon as she got to the end of the block, Avery saw what she'd been looking for. Just on the other side of the crosswalk was a pretty big, and fairly new looking Burger joint. It looked like one of those Nostalgia Trip theme restraunts. Where people went when they wanted to pretend that the 1950's were the golden age of society, and not the sexist, racist, overly-religious era it really was. With a slight smirk, Avery wondered if people would become that misty eyed about their own dysfunctional era one day. Would they look fondly on the days when frontal lobe micro-chipping wasn't yet mandatory at birth? No, the micro-chips wouldn't allow that. At least the music of the old-timers wasn't that bad. It didn't cause her ears to scream in pain the way that today bass heavy music did. She had enhanced hearing, possibly rivaling that of most animals, but she imagined it wasn't any better for the "mundys" either. Avery chuckled to herself. 'Mundy', was short for Mundanes, a term she'd picked up reading comic books.

That made her stop and think for a bit. What would Terra think of her reading comic books? Or Todd? Would they think she was silly? Todd didn't seem to be too interested in their personal lives, not yet anyway, so he probably wouldn't care. But Avery was pretty sure she'd read somewhere that girls did not read comic books, and frowned upon other girls who did. So she would keep that to herself for the time being. And perhaps her somewhat carnivorous nature as well. That might creep them out too. And she was anxious not to upset them so soon after meeting them.

Having decided that, she pushed the button and waited for the cross-walk light to come on.

character: x-23

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