Well, After a very interesting term in Cambridge, I have found myself back in hull. The problem is that this just doesen't feel anything like home. Home is Scotland (or in recent months, Cambridge). Hull is just a place where I know nobody and seem to have ended up on more than one occasion.
Anyway, arriving back and determined to make the most of a bad situation, I now have wireless LAN. I then discovered all my stuff had been moved around, and a few boxes i haven't seen in a while have made their way to the top of the pile. Several items jumped out.
Number 1: the graphics card I promised to
Number 2: a dud motherboard I acquired a while back.
Having discovered 2 i proceeded to throw it away, well almost, then i noticed that in the CPU socket there was, well a CPU. i retrieved this, and the noticed something strange. it was an AMD k6-2 500MHz. This is interesting... that uses a Socket 7. Hey... So does the K6 200MHz in the network controller! Lets see what happens when I swap them out. Of course this didn't work, due to VERY picky Motherboard on Network controller, and this annoys me somewhat. (yes, it was an insane idea, so what?)
Anyway, on the plus side i seem to have acquired a free ticket to ROTK.