femslash07 writer,
sorry that I'm a bit late with this. my schedule this week has been a little crazy.
I'm really looking forward to reading your story, and I'm totally sure I'll love it, whatever prompt you pic. I'm really not all that picky, but I know it can feel risky to write for someone whose tastes you aren't sure of, so I've provided some info on what I like in each fandom I requested
below the cut.
SGA - Teyla/Sora, Teyla/Elizabeth, Teyla/Vala
The pairings are listed in order of my preference (same goes for all the other prompts), but totally feel free to write the one you feel the most. All four characters I've listed are totally strong, kick ass chicks in their own right, and one of my biggest beefs with the show is that it tends to forget that when it's convenient for an episode. I really like both the playful and dark sides of the show, and am totally open to either tone in fic. I like all the boys on the show (including supporting characters), so don't feel like you have to shy away from letting them show up in the story.
VMars - Veronica/Mac, Mac/Any
The only reason I've watched the last two seasons is the snarky fun that pushes its way through the wangst that often eats Veronica (mm, eating Veronica...). This is also the tone I look for in VMars fic, so I'd really rather you stay away from anything too heavy/dark/Logan-or-Duncan-centric. Feel free to slash Mac with any crossover character you can think of.
BSG - Racetrack/Kat
Okay, so, we can all basically agree that Kat & Racetrack were total girlfriends when Galactica was separated from New Caprica, yes? So, like, if you want to write fic about them hooking up, or day-in-the-life fic during that period, or, hell, fic about them while Kat is dieing, I'd be all for it. I totally accept that Kat was at some point gay for Kara, and I totally don't mind if that's part of your story, but I'd really rather in not be a main focus/reason for her hook up with Racetrack.
Andromeda - Beka/Doyle, Doyle/Rommie, Beka/gold!Trance, Beka/evil!fake!Trance, Beka/any xover space chick
As you can probably tell from my pairing requests, Beka is totally my girl on this show. Anything involving her will totally win me over, especially if it's snarky and more than a bit dark (just not wangsty!). Other than that: I love Tyr, miss Rev Bem, think Dylan is an asshat and love Beka's friendship with Harper. Also, Doyle/Rommie would make for some seriously snarky porn. I'm just saying.
Y:tLM - Hero/Beth of the baby having
I tried to think of something coherent to say about this pairing, but mostly I just came up with incoherent squeeing about how pretty and snarky and randomly there for each other these two are. Also, GAY. I'd love something while they're on the road to the farm, or something once they're at the farm with a side of snarky Russian chick whose name I forget. Or, you know, really anything with these two. I'm not totally up on current canon (I've only gotten an issue or two beyond Beth and Hero making it to the farm), but I have no problem catching up if you want to write something set in the newer issues.
CSI: NY - Stella/Lindsay, Lindsay/anyone (including law show xovers)
I'd really love to see fic where Lindsay and Stella work together on a case. Obviously, recent episodes have given both of them things to angst over, but I'd rather that not be the absolute focus of the fic. As far as crossovers go, I'd really rather it not be within the CSI franchise - maybe one of the L&Os or something random, like Karen Sisco or The 4400 (or, OMG, Threshold). Or, you could totally win at awesome crossover pairings forever by writing Lindsay/Natalie from Medical Investigation.
More generally speaking, I'm not much a fan of porn for porn's sake. In fact, I rather there be awesome plot/snark/character development and only hand holing than tons of sex and nothing substantial.
Don't worry yourself too hard - I'm really quite easy to please. Should you have more questions, though, feel free to ask either
furies or
quasiradiant, as they will either know the answer or be able to ask me for you.
Thanks oh so much for writing for me!