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when the heart is wide open but the eyes are wide shut.. hiphopheather76 April 1 2010, 02:13:04 UTC
Hello Mikhail Dmitrievich,
Once again, nice interview and more "revealing" and believable than any of your other interviews (whether on paper or live video). But still, no one really knows exactly what you're looking for when it comes to the "fairer" gender:):) Is not finding the one who "cooks well enough" the whole story? I think there's more to the story than this. One thing I did notice in the interview though, you will look a man in the eyes but not a woman. If you don't believe me, watch a video of yourself interacting with women. Maybe, just maybe my dear, as the old Vanessa Williams' song "Save the Best for Last" goes, "'the one thing (woman) you are looking for is the one thing (woman) you can't see'" Open your eyes darling-there is a whole world of beautiful and clever ladies with "hearts of gold" who happen to cook well. And the woman you are looking for chances are is not in one of these clubs among the glorified strippers and prostitutes otherwise known as "models" .. I once had a year-long taste of this "dark" world of models but I gave it up for the world of the "daylight", which I like so much more:) So open your eyes beyond the dark, smoky clubs and step out into the daylight dear. And, while you're at it, take a good look and really focus on the faces of the ladies of the "daylight"-what you see may surprise you:) Well, enough "gob-smacking" on my end! As always I wish you the best life has to offer. Enjoy the rest of your week.

warmest wishes,


Re: when the heart is wide open but the eyes are wide shut.. valeska1001 April 1 2010, 06:11:02 UTC
Hi Heather,

I spend a lot of time in those clubs, dancing, playing, fooling around :), but I'm also a good cook. But if I cook a 5 course meal for my friends ( usually on a saturday evening) I need to go on a diet for a month to be just as slim as those girls in the video :). So MD should make some choices here. A less slim girl who can cook or a slim girl who can't cook :). Btw, I'm going to a nice house party this friday, " Awakenings Weekender party" starting at 10 PM untill 7 AM. My feet will hurt from dancing all night, but I'm going to enjoy myself :)

Love Valeska


Re: when the heart is wide open but the eyes are wide shut.. hiphopheather76 April 1 2010, 13:04:28 UTC
Hi Valeska,
Why should there be a choice between the "slim girl who can't cook" versus the "less slim girl who can cook"? How about instead the "just-right (perfectly healthy) girl" who can cook healthy and tasty meals, and who actually does not have to brag about cooking abilities because she proves herself time after time-the one who knows when to really put in the effort and when to walk away? And this woman does not have to "diet" because she knows what foods and lifestyle habits are good for her as well as for her man. It's not the actual going to the clubs that I was referring to, because we all go dancing from time to time. I was merely referring to the fact that your chances for finding a long-term partner (whom you actually want to be with for that long) in one of these venues are slim to none-chances are you are not seeing the real person while in these places because he / she is just out for a "good-time", in one "altered" state or another. But again, just going dancing and drinking socially without getting plastered or stoned is not a bad thing. As for your coming "good time" this weekend, have fun, just don't be too offended if you happen to get funny looks while stumbling into church with swollen feet on this Easter Sunday, not to mention having to cook a big Easter feast :) Again, it's knowing ahead of time what is good / not so good for you so that you do not have to pay the price for doing the not-so good things too often! :):) Take care and have a good weekend.



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