Then I Thought, You Know What, He Deserves It. He's A Really Good Dancer.

Jun 17, 2007 01:06

Let's take a travel back in time, shall we? First stop: 2:05PM of today. After almost dying getting lost on the expressway in the rain, I finally arrived at Arlington Race Track for Father's Day. I parked as far away as physically possible and was dying of heat by the time I got to the gate and unnecessarily paid $6 to enter. But then I won a couple races (ya, suck it jockey of horse 5 and your bitch ass complaints about "foul play") but basically just re-bet that money. My Hawaiian blue freeze was delicious though.

But wait, let's continue back even further to about 7:25AM, which is way to early to be waking up. But I had to go to my Planet Bread Panera training class. It was bizarre, truly truly bizarre. I got lost on the way there (trend?) and so I ended up a bit late and had to sit next to this crazy at least 35 year old named Rachel, who kept trying to talk to me about my apparent love for stickers. We watched a video and the first thing the narrator said was "Some call it the food of life. We know it as... BREAD." And I was all "WHAAAT??!?" I just sat in my corner quietly and listened to our teacher Fedele (or Fedizzle as he insisted). Then we cooked bread and as I was chowing down on my baguette this other girl came up to me and says "I think I have a crush on you" to which I replied with a full mouth "I didn't even talk to you...". Bizarre.

One more trip back, just for good times. I forget the time, maybe 9:15PM of a few nights ago. The gang went out for quarter bowling, which did not end up being quarter bowling, but I ripped my pants. I don't even know man, but every time I bowled the rip down the middle of my thigh got bigger and bigger. Maybe I'll turn it into booty shorts. I am a phenomenal bowler though. The first game I had a 31 on the 6th frame and ended with a 132. Spare, spare, turkey and I'm awesome. The second game I had a 24 on the 6th frame and ended with a 117. They call me the closer. Rawr.
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