It's been such a long day. My car broke down on the way to school and I ended up having to run half a mile to a gas station to buy one of those red gas tanks, which is not fun before 7am. Then I got a half hour lecture about hemophilia in women at work (apparently it's a rarity). A nice two and a half day weekend will be wonderful. But here's Veronica Mars from Tuesday.
The Good
THE HAIRRRRR! THE HAIR, THE HAIR, THE HAIR! Oh God, I know it's not a wig, but I just wanted to put my face in it and shake it around. I bet it smells like strawberries. And magic.
Of course, the dinner scene was great. Veronica freaking out about every little question? I did like when there was some more tension between Keith and Logan though. At least we got to hear about Kristen's thighs and if Logan called Veronica Bobcat all season I would die.
When I first read the description of the episode, with Matt Czuchry playing Logan's half brother I was really worried. But I was so releieved and LOVED how they played it off. Czurchry was awesome as a douche bag, and I like that the real Charlie Stone could theoretically come back because he has no attatchments to Gilmore Girls.
And speaking of the real Charlie, he totally gave Veronica the up-down check out when she visited him. And he definitely almost had the same phone number as Jackay.
The "Everyone's Happppppppay!" Shopkeeper was frakin' hi-lar-ious. Hopefully she'll have to back for some more research so I can hear him talk about raincoats again.
Dick was amazing in this episode. The entire scene where he was at Veronica's and checking out the kitchenette and how cute the Mars family was was priceless. And then there's always "Why rape the cow when you're swimming in free milk?". Indeed.
I really liked the referance to the Duke lacrosse team rapes. Apparently they've inspired R.T. some, which makes me pretty positive that the frat didn't do it- because it's never the major suspect. because the lacrosse team didn't rape her, she was a lying ho.
Speaking of the frat house, I really like Chip. And even more than him, I love that they have a Baywatch pinball machine in the house.
Keith really, really needs a new special lady friend. I missed his happy days with Wallace's mom, and Harmony was so perfect for him. She was funny and sweet. I was rooting for the cheating. Does that make me a bad person?
Derryl Derryberry? Norman Fipps? Charleston Chew? That's rich.
The Bad
Ugh, Parker, Parker Parker. You get the hair, and then what do you use it for? Being a jerk. I did not understand how she could be continuously accusing Veronica of screwing her over, knowing that Veronica was raped too. I liked the Parker that didn't want attention from the rape. Not the angry feminist bitch.
Which leads me to the decision Jackay and I have made: Hearst girls are SO fucking dramatic. The feminists? Trish? Charleston's trampy girlfriend? Eeek, calm down, you overactors.
Logan, grow a sack, man. I have schitzo feelings towards my boy, because I love him, but he's getting so sappy. Dick's brohan did a freefall experiment and he's over it, but anything happens to Logan and it's thirteen shades of emo and tears. Na na na. No me gusta.
The new Nancy. Ew. She has a mustache and looks like she's wearing a swim cap.
The Snarky
Dick: "Hey buddy. Hope it's not weird me just showing up. I can't believe I've known you forever and you've never had me over."
Veronica: "You left a flaming bag of dog poo in front of our door one time. That was kind of a play date.
Veronica Voice Over: "Who knew that when oppertunity knocked, it'd look like a horny surfer?"
Veronica: "Um, did you trip and fall onto sandlewood, musk, and a hint of spicy citrus, or is that cologne?"
Keith: "It's aftershave. I'm going to traffic court."
Veronica: "Sexy traffic court?"
Keith: "Hm. Nice shoes. Did you change your major to Women's Studies?"
Angry Feminist: "Women's safety first! No more rapes at Hearst!"
Dick: "They're heeeeere."
Logan: "Quick Jim, hide them hookers!"
Veronica Voice Over: "Hm. When did the Greek Chorus of Feminist shame arrive?"