Dec 13, 2004 15:21
Today as I was watching an old favorite television show of mine "Fraggle Rock," I realized that there is more to that show can be used to represent parts of our American society.
The episode was titled "You Can't Do Without a Hat." In this episode one of the fraggles decides he needs to become brave. To do this he visits a trash heap to give him advice on being brave. The trash heap simply answers that all he needs to be brave is to wear a hat. The two rats who are the trash heaps cronies brake into a song and dance about only needing a hat. The fraggle than leaves the trash heap feeling brave and confident. The fraggle later on loses his hat and reverts back to his cowardly ways. He goes back to the trash heap for advice and meets another fraggle who had found his hat. The fraggles than encounter a dangerous situation almost getting caught by a giant beast when the cowardly fraggle performs an act of bravery to deceive the giant. The fraggly preforms the act without his hat on.
The fraggles who love to dance and play, live in a cave with the doozers who work all day. The fraggles who our outnumbered by the doozers can be looked at as the upper class. The doozers work all day building these tiny structures that look like they are made out of icicles. The fraggles eat the doozers structures without a care into how much work the doozers put in. This is like the Upper class who reap of the product and services of the lower class.
The fraggles visit the all knowing trash heap for information and advice. In a way the trash heap represents television and the media. The fraggles take everything the trash heap says with a grain of salt. The rats reiterate the point of the trash heap by going into a song and dance about it. In the episode I watch the trash heap claimed that all the fraggle needed to overcome his fear was a hat, when really the fraggle always wore a hat and was a coward before hand but the fraggle believed it without question. In television today you see an echo effect were a statement is made sometimes it's origin unknown and it is plastered upside down and sideways all over the television. People here the statement enough that they believe it to be true. Another example of the echo effect can be found in the recent priest sex abuse scandal- Every day for months on the news was at least one report about the scandal, when you multiply that by all the new channels on tv that is a lot of reports. From the portrail of the media it would seem that the sex abuse scandal was a huge thing involving lots of priests. Do not get me wrong it was a big problem and I am not downplaying it's seriousness but in reality it was only a few cases and a few priest, but it was plastered on the news as if it involved hundreds of priests.
The fraggles visit to the trash heap is symbolic of the way we always look for the quick and easy solution. We never want to work for anything unless we have to. People in this country do not try to work on their problems such as the fraggle did not work on his bravery, they just go to the immediate solution. People in this country believe that by putting on a hat there problem is solved without realizing that hats get lost and once the hat is gone you are confronted face to face with your ugly problem.
That is about all I have for right now. My mind is beginning to get shot and my writing is getting sloppy. Today has been an OK day I have been just preparing for finals and finishing up some final projects. I do not have to work tonight which allows me plenty of time to finish my "Explorations in Math" final project due tomorrow. Who knows what the rest of the day will bring