Feb 21, 2011 08:26
Number one fun thing to do after clearing about 3-4" of snow from the driveway for the third time in about 10 hours: take your lightweight sedan with NO trunk ballast (removed during the warm spell) and "High Performance All Season" tyres, and try to drive it around the block. Yep, fun stuff. I did make it back without assistance (barely), though I now have wifely orders to stay home unless there's a good reason to be out. I do need to visit Lowe's to get a folding door thing to keep the cats out of my new "room" in the basement ....
Entertainingly, the vehicle I didn't brush the snow off of looks almost exactly like it did after our "blizzard" from a few weeks ago. No sign of county plow trucks yet today, though last time it snowed heavily there were two of them in our little neighborhood alone!