Mar 25, 2007 11:57
So, having thought about my necessity for a life philosophy, I started thinking about it.... and after much deliberation in my mind I came to this:
I believe that a person is composed of three basic components: body, mind, and what I call "soul" or "spirit" for lack of a better word. Body represents your physical attributes and how well you take care of them, mind is composed of things such as intelligence, work and other skills, etc, and finally, "soul" is composed of things like moral values, character, willpower, charisma, etc.
Having said that, my life philosophy consists of developing these three aspects of life in a balanced way, even when people tend to be more adept at developing one aspect more than the other two.
Also, the concept of balance plays a key role in my life philosophy, as I have found that finding the right measure of things is key for me, too little or too much always tends to be bad... it's a kind of abstract concept, and I hope you kinda understand what I mean :-)
Anyways, those are the basics,... pretty simple huh? well, it fits me well and I am happy with it, and that it is what it matters at the end. I hope you like it :-).