Took this from Joe...and no your eyes do not deceive you, i am updating

May 16, 2005 14:23

Name of 20 Friends below:

1. Allie D.
2. Olivia
3. Alex L.
4. Alex V.
5. Dom
6. Pads
7. Tommy
8. Julia
9. Emily
10. Rudi
11. Allie M.
12. Justine
13. Paul
14. Kara
15. Joe
16. Brittany
17. Stoner
18. Myself
19. Brendan
20. Steph M

Who is #8 going out with? THAT is the million dollar question of all time. But for now, Stewie HAHA.
Is #9 a boy or a girl? A woman (a natural one at that)
Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? nah.
How about #18 and #4? HAHAHA, well we did live together the entire school year and got along famously...
What grade is #17 in? Soph in the fall
When was the last time you talked to #12? Last night (because i only call Cali on weekends)
What is #6's favorite band? I don't know, he likes the Postal Service though.
Does #1 have any siblings? Mike and Jennifer DeLisi (the latter soon to be changed)
Would you ever date #3? That's a bit awkward.
Would you ever date #7? HAHAHAHAHA, his mom did think i had a crush on him. But i've known him since we were wee-ones and growing up together like that just makes it virtually impossible to date a person.
Is #16 single? as far as i know.
What's #15's last name? Why would I know something like that? He's only my cousin. Ungco!
What's #10's middle name? Nothing. In fact, she had such a complex about not having one, that in 4th grade, she gave herself 7 middle names, one of which was Jasmine, but I don't remember the rest. Holler at me Rudi.
oh and #20's Ursula...her initials are S.C.U.M.
What's #5's favorite thing to do? Be awesome. Oh and drugs.
Is #13 hot? sure
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? EBONY AND IVORY!!! If brendan was single, sure.
What school does #20 go to? A little known school in Boston called Harvard.
Tell me a random fact about #11? Oh man, allie is a hodge-podge of random facts. But I guess I'll go with the most normal of the facts...she's a lactard like me.
And #1: This Allie TOO is a hodge podge of random facts. But again, I'll go with the same one. She's a lactard like me AND Allie M.
And #3: Hm, he is the only hispanic i know that does Tae Kwon Do.
Where does #9 When she's not in school at Chicago, she's in Sleepy Hollow of course.
What's #4's favorite color? She's quite partial to pink.
Would you makeout with #14? Well, she is a Nubian Queen with nice lips. LOL.
Are #5 & #6 best friends? not best, but they're good friends.
Does #7 like #20? Yeah, they get along.
Does #8 like #19? I don't think they've ever met, but prolly not.
How did you meet #2? Elementary School.
How did you meet #18? I was born haha. that's how i met myself.
Does #10 have any pets? Yup! Several reptiles and a gorgeous siberian husky named suki at her home in Sleepy, and two cats (Squid Vicious and the one she found at Casa Del Sole)at her home in Brooklyn.
Is #12 older than you? Yup...she's 21.
Is # 17 the sexiest person alive, or what? Uh huh. Part of that is because she hooked up with Mr. March/Prince Charming, thus she is HOTT by association, HAHAHAHA.
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