Woah. DOOD.

Jun 09, 2004 21:33

I don't have an icon surprised enough for this, so Pete will have to do for now.

OMFG who just bought me two months of LJ account time??? Please, please tell me so I can find you and cover you with kisses like you deserve! ::flails::

I've never had a paid account before. 15 user pictures! Whatever shall I do with them all? OMG I could have a Billy mood set now, couldn't I? How do I do that? Quick, somebody help me! ::flails again:: Oh, I could have a custom design for my LJ now too...wait a minute. This is me we're talking about, Miss "how do I have a custom mood set?"--perhaps I'd better just leave the one I've got, eh? ;o)

I am honestly stunned. Whoever you are, thank you from the bottom of my geeky little heart. It's one of the nicest things anyone's done for me in a long time.

::hearts you like a great big hearting thing::
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