Misspelled Horcruxes, continued.

May 09, 2006 17:27

Horocrux's, Horcuxes, horcrixes, horacuxs, Hocruxes, hocuxes, horocuxes, Hrocruxes, Horcraxes, Harcruxes, horrcruxes, horcurxes, hercuxes, horcroxes, horacruxes, horxruxes, horxcuses, Horxcrices, Horxcrixes, horocrufixes. All these misspelled Horcruxes were collected within two months of HBP (see that post, September 17, 2005).

What has the fandom come up with since then? Let's have a look!

  • But as Voldemrot has seven horcruses, he lived.

  • Harry and friends have to destroy the horcruxess, whilst free his family and his aunt?

  • Harry and the Horcrukses

  • Harry, Ron and Hermione have 2 more horocruxes to destroy.

  • Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and Ginny embark on an epic journay to find the hidden Horcruexes.

  • He recieves a letter from Hagrid about a hororcrux that Dumbledore (in the painting in the headmaster's office who is now McGonagal's office) told professor McGonagal about.

  • Help Potter, Granger and Weasley figure out the Horeaux deal.

  • However, the final battle steadily approaches and Harry must go off to find the horcrux's, leaving Ginny alone at Hogwarts.

  • i do sorely hope the last book won't be just about harry leaving hogwarts and hunting for the holucruxes...

  • I think the importance of finding and destroying as many Horncruxes as possible would have been really important.

  • i wonder very much about who is R.A.B. i'm actually thinking of sirius but it looks like it's a repented death eater who did steal the horcrucks.

  • My way of a 7th year story...Harry has to find the other Horcuxs

  • Ron lies awake at the Burrow. He will soon be off to look for the Horcuixes with Harry and Hermione.

  • So what your Darker Half used the Horcruzes to spilt his Light Side from his body!

  • Summary: Harry, Ron, & Hermione are on their journey to find the horcuexes.

  • Summary: Ummm, Harry falls in love, searches for Hoarcuxes, Ron gets love note and struggles with other feelings, Hermione finds trouble with secrets and a new feature comes to hogwarts for the better or the worst.

  • The hunt for the Horcruxs' become reality and Harry learns the difference between having to live and choosing to live.

  • Title: Harry Potter & the Horcruxe Crusade

  • Title: Hunting for Horucruxes a Harry Potter Story. - Summary: A story involving the search for several Horucuxes.

  • Voldemort is trying to get a new power but sadly only muggles have it. How will our hero Harry Potter get the power, destroy the Horeruxes, and deal with Dumbledore's 'death'.

  • What happens when he decides not to return to Hogwarts but to persue the mission to destroy the holcruxes?

  • will two best friends find the love that they were looking for in each other as they search for the remaining horcruxs?

  • With Voldemort dead, he was hardly the worthy opponent Harry was expecting after all the horucurxes were destroyed, Harry didn't know what to do with himself.

  • You see, now Tom was beginning to search for the Horcreaux's at this time, because he had an aim now.

Thanks to tunxeh for a couple of pointers!

This post has been brought to you by the letter H and the number 7. :D
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