Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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causeways April 16 2006, 07:49:22 UTC
Recipient: ella_bane
Prompt: Ginny makes a shocking discovery! Gen, slash, or het.
Word count: Heh, 232.
Rating: PG

It was nearly eleven when Ginny awoke with a start. She'd fallen behind in Ancient Runes since she and Harry had gotten together, and while she didn't regret a single minute she'd spent with him, she needed to catch up on her homework. Unfortunately, Ancient Runes wasn't the most stimulating of subjects, especially at night in a dim corner of the library, and now she had ink smeared across her face from falling asleep on top of her notes.

She wasn't entirely sure what had awoken her at first. It was nearly curfew for the older students, and the library was about to close, but she didn't think that was it. But then she heard a rustling noise coming from a nearby set of stacks, followed by a stifled grunt and the sound of a belt unbuckling. Her curiosity piqued, Ginny slid her chair back from her table and snuck around the corner to see who it could be.

Two stacks over from where she had fallen asleep, Ginny saw two figures doing an admirable imitation of Ron and Lavender's writhing from earlier that year. She recognized the one with his back to her instantly: Michael Corner. She smirked. He would be making out in the library. She hadn't a clue who he was with, though. It wasn't until Michael shifted to the side that she could see the other person.


Happy birthday, kitties!


corvidae9 April 16 2006, 08:46:44 UTC
bwahahaaaa. They all have the same taste in men. :))


causeways April 16 2006, 16:45:14 UTC
Yes, they do. :)


gileonnen April 16 2006, 11:38:56 UTC
Ouch, embarassing moment--two exes for the price of one! Lovely story, though. =)


causeways April 16 2006, 16:49:36 UTC
Yup. :) Glad you liked it!


plaidphoenix April 16 2006, 12:14:16 UTC
Marvelous. I can just see Fred and George printing up some business cards for Ginny that say...

Ginny Weasley, making men gay since 1996...


redcoast April 16 2006, 12:50:10 UTC

She dated Harry, too.


causeways April 16 2006, 16:52:23 UTC
You kind of read my mind. :D


causeways April 16 2006, 16:51:51 UTC
Heee yes. They totally would.


ex_ella_bane358 April 16 2006, 15:45:28 UTC
Aww, so cute!


causeways April 16 2006, 16:53:15 UTC
Glad you liked it!


hibernater April 16 2006, 16:13:31 UTC
That is original. Nice!


causeways April 16 2006, 16:53:56 UTC


helzebel April 16 2006, 23:04:25 UTC
Teehee, very good. :) The idea of someone finding two of their exes making out amuses me no end. Actually, I think it happened to an acquaintance of mine...


causeways April 17 2006, 05:42:29 UTC
Actually, I think it happened to an acquaintance of mine... Haha awesome. I mean, maybe I shouldn't say that about strangers, but personally I'd think it was hilarious. :)


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