
Apr 08, 2005 15:46

Happy Birthday to theladyfeylene and delamancha!!!


Have I mentioned hp_feline lately? It's for HP fans who like cats.
A place to discuss the cats of canon, promote cat-related fics/art, and post your own kitty pics/stories. No wank, much purring, feline icons everywhere. All welcome.

Dog people, see hp_canine.

* * *

I created that community last year in honor of ickle Imperio. She's still ickle, compared to Bestia the Sorting Cat. Bestia's big, for a female cat; Imperio is on the small side of average. She's soft and fooffy, very affectionate, bouncy and curious, with a loud purr, loud trill, and tiny squeaky meow. Oh, and very well-groomed - Bestia still licks her at every opportunity.

Imperio turned up on May 9 last year, and the vet said she was about five weeks old. *points at icon* Let's consider her one year old now. And I've always celebrated Bestia's birthday in mid-April (she's turning six this year).

Last year, a whole heap of you delightful people gave Bestia a memorable fifth birthday with the Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon.

This year, you're invited to submit yourselves to the Sorting Cat's whimsical pleasure again - for Imperio's entertainment as well - next weekend, April 16-17. Fair warning. :)
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