This is a sequel to
the friending-fest in March. It was fun, and seven months is a long time in the fandom. Let's do it again. *cackles*
New to the HP fandom, or new to LiveJournal?
Seeking fresh blood for your friends/friend-of list?
Discovered anyone interesting lately?
Declare yourself here!
Think of this as a general plugging opportunity.
Leave a comment - introduce yourself, promote someone else, or ask for friend-recs.
Use this template if you wish.Hi! I'm plugging [myself / other person]
Why? [new to the fandom/LJ, in the mood for a bigger friendslist, deserves publicity, feeling gregarious, feeling bored, whatever...]
Likes: [characters, ships, genres, interests, kinks...]
Dislikes: [characters, ships, genres, squicks, pet peeves...]
What's in your LJ? [mostly fandom/mostly RL/mix of both, fic posts, art posts, recs, opinions, RPGs, icons, drabbles, fangirling, random babble, quizzes and memes, other fandoms...]
Other links: [link to your fics/website/list/community...]
Feel free to comment and rec people/communities/fics to those who introduce themselves.
Best of luck to all who reply, and may your friends lists expand in a good way! :D
P.S. If you're really new around here, do add one or more of these fandom newsletters to your friends list: daily_snitch, quickquote, sunday_prophet.