Even though no one cares, here's my rundown of the shenanigans of the first day of the intonation festival.
First off, its hot as balls in Chicago. And muggy. Luckily, water is cheap at the fest. Nice move. Second, there's a particular brand of corporate sponsorship going on that i'm actually surprisingly ok with. Goose Island Breweries, amongst the finest of micro-breweries in the country, has a monopoly on beer at the fest. So, typical beer tent overpricing exists, but since its actually good beer, it almost makes it worth it.
As for the bands, the first few were alright but not great. Four Tet was thoroughly awesome, including a gaggle of little girls from the neighborhood dancing on the side. (The Go Team later brought them on stage.) Broken Social Scene was decent, but had about half the members missing, so, well, it was a little off. Prefuse 73 was doing some weird shit with two drummers that worked occasionally, but kinda ended up sounding a lot more like his Savath & Savalas project than Prefuse 73. Death from Above 1979 was noisy and every bit as annoying as they are on cd. Tortoise was really good, but tom and i were both so tired that listening to them kinda made us want to pass out on the grass. so we went home.
Now, for the single most hilarious bit of the festival: the DJ tent. Hipsters trying their hardest to bust a move? possibly the best thing ever. Also the best thing ever is the tag team set with Jean Grae:
and Will Oldham:
You cannot find me a more hilarious looking dj tag team ever.
Anyway, more tomorrow sometime. Decemberists play today, which will be hot.